Procuring Authority / Buyer | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | No. of announced tenders | Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) | No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
Central Purchasing Operator | AN&RA | 11 | 199,086,004 | 11 | 199,086,004 | 163,312,160 |
Procuring Authority | Tender object | Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL | Stage Procedure | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | Awarded value |
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti I.Blerje detergjent dhe aromatizues | 12,918,151 | Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner | AN&RA | 7,960,810.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | (Minikontrata 1) Loti I.Blerje detergjent dhe aromatizues | Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract | AN&RA | ||
Central Purchasing Operator | ( Minikontrata 1) Loti 1 “Blerje materiale të buta” | Signed the Contract | AN&RA | ||
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti 1 “Blerje materiale të buta” | 60,205,334 | Announced the Winner | AN&RA | 58,966,400.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti 1 “Blerje materiale të buta për NJVKSH Shkodër” | 616,757 | Announced the Winner | AN&RA | 488,800.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti I. “Blerje materiale të buta" me afat të marrëveshjes kuadër 24 (njëzetë e katër) muaj | 56,816,667 | Announced the Winner | AN&RA | 46,500,000.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti1: "Blerje materiale te buta" | 68,529,095 | Announced the Winner | AN&RA | 36,557,400.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader : Loti II “Blerje materiale te ndryshme per pastrim”. | Signed the Contract | AN&RA | 334,400.00 | |
Central Purchasing Operator | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader : Loti 1 “Blerje dertegjent, dizinfektant dhe aromatizues”. | Signed the Contract | AN&RA | 898,500.00 | |
Central Purchasing Operator | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader : Loti II “Blerje materiale te ndryshme per pastrim”. | Signed the Contract | AN&RA | 695,850.00 | |
Central Purchasing Operator | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader : Loti 1 “Blerje dertegjent, dizinfektant dhe aromatizues”. | Signed the Contract | AN&RA | 10,910,000.00 |
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