Procuring Authority / Buyer | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | No. of announced tenders | Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) | No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
Central Purchasing Operator | ALTEC SHPK | 5 | 12,691,997 | 1 | 4,353,159 | 3,053,106 |
Procuring Authority | Tender object | Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL | Stage Procedure | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | Awarded value |
Central Purchasing Operator | “Riparim mirëmbajtje e Sistemit të Kondicionimit për 24 Muaj”, Q.S.R.T “Shefqet Ndroqi” Tiranë, Njësia Kavaje | 2,092,666 | Signed the Contract | ALTEC SHPK | 1,570,000.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | Riparimi i sistemit të klimatizimit për Drejtorinë e Përgjithshme të Arkivave | 1,583,022 | Announced the Winner | ALTEC SHPK | 988,850.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti 1-"Mirëmbajtje sistemi i kondicionimit" | 2,831,150 | Announced the Winner | ALTEC SHPK | 1,829,350.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti II Riparim, mirembajtjeje sistemi te ngrohje-ftohjeve ne Spitalin Universitar Obstetrik-Gjinekologjik Koço Gliozheni | 4,353,159 | Announced the Winner | ALTEC SHPK | 3,053,106.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | Riparim, mirembajtjeje sistemi te ngrohje-ftohjeve per Spitalin Universitar te Traumes | 1,832,000 | Announced the Winner | ALTEC SHPK | 1,228,600.00 |
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