Procuring Authority / Buyer | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | No. of announced tenders | Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) | No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
Central Purchasing Operator | Inpress | 8 | 26,663,513 | 7 | 17,561,640 | 6,822,364 |
Procuring Authority | Tender object | Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL | Stage Procedure | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | Awarded value |
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti 1 – Blerje materiale Kancelarie me bazë letre | 2,062,680 | Announced the Winner | Inpress | 1,487,500.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | Botime printime dhe materiale shtypshkrimi për Spitalin Rajonal Elbasan | 2,213,173 | Announced the Winner | Inpress | 1,593,490.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | “Botime, printime dhe materiale shtypshkrimi”, për Ministrine e Arsimit, dhe Sportit | 9,101,873 | Announced the Winner | Inpress | 7,208,403.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | “Botime, printime dhe materiale shtypshkrimi”, për Ministrinë e Arsimit, Sportit dhe Rinisë. | 3,745,529 | Announced the Winner | Inpress | 3,741,360.00 |
Central Purchasing Operator | Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader : Loti IV. Blerje shtypshkrimesh për Spitalin Universitare Obstetrik - Gjinekologjik Mbretëresha Geraldina. | Signed the Contract | Inpress | ||
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti IV. Blerje shtypshkrimesh për Spitalin Universitare Obstetrik - Gjinekologjik Mbretëresha Geraldina | 1,637,000 | Announced the Winner | Inpress | 5 003.13 leke per njesi. |
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti I. Blerje dokumentacioni për Ministrinë e Arsimit, Sportit dhe Rinisë | 4,853,449 | Announced the Winner | Inpress | 1 877.90 leke per njesi. |
Central Purchasing Operator | Loti II. Blerje dokumentacioni, për Drejtorinë e Përgjithshme të Burgjeve | 3,049,809 | Announced the Winner | Inpress | 8 539.98 leke per njesi |
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