Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by local government entities

Summary results by local government entities

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Central Purchasing Agency 172 1222 40,047,721,606 600 22,314,064,314 7,993,891,377

Tenders list

Procuring Authority Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 3 - "Blerje mish dhe nenproduktet e tij" -Qarku Elbasan 3,514,887 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 5 - Blerje veze -Qarku Elbasan 575,958 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 6 - Blerje peshq - Qarku Korçe 239,075 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 5 - “Blerje vezë” 1,642,245 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 5 - Blerje veze-Qarku Gjirokaster 842,094 Announced Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 6 - "Blerje fruta dhe perime"-Qarku Gjirokaster 1,823,864 Announced the Winner Nelsa SHPK 1,581,200.00
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 4 - "Blerje ushqime koloniale"-Qarku Gjirokaster 2,023,529 Announced the Winner Nelsa SHPK 1,769,350.00
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 3 - "Blerje mish dhe nenproduktet e tij"-Qarku Gjirokaster 3,526,269 Announced Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 1 - "Blerje buke gruri dhe simite"- Qarku Gjirokaster 1,883,048 Announced Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 5 - “Blerje vezë” 448,667 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 6 - “Blerje peshq” 122,133 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 6 - Blerje peshq 940,513 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 5 - Blerje veze 3,509,339 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 3 - "Blerje mish dhe nenproduktet e tij" 30,846,736 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Loti 5 - Blerje veze 57,713 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Sherbim i pastrimit te ambjenteve te brendshme dhe te jashtme te Spitalit Psikiatrik Ali Mihali Vlore 19,219,085 Announced Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency "Blerje uniformash dhe elemente te tjere perberes per Agjencine Kombetare te Diaspores" 5,854,500 Announced Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Sherbim gatimi dhe shperndarje ushqimi per SUOGJ Koco Gliozheni 67,179,240 Announced the Winner DAJTI PARK 2007 50,571,292.00
Central Purchasing Agency Loti III. Furnizim me lende djegese per automjete Benzine pa plumb 2,100,000 Announced the Winner KASTRATI & KASTRATI SHA 15.9 leke pa tvsh (Shumatorja e çmimeve per njësi e ofruar.)
Central Purchasing Agency Loti II. Furnizim me lende djegese per automjete Diesel (Gazoil) 24,551,193 Announced the Winner KASTRATI & KASTRATI SHA 15.4 leke pa tvsh (Shumatorja e çmimeve per njësi e ofruar.)
Central Purchasing Agency Loti I. Furnizim me lende djegese per automjete Diesel (Gazoil) 280,851,288 Announced the Winner KASTRATI & KASTRATI SHA 15.4 leke pa tvsh (Shumatorja e çmimeve per njësi e ofruar.)
Central Purchasing Agency Sigurimi i jetes, shendetit dhe pasurise, te gjyqtareve te Kolegjit te Posaçem te Apelimit 3,987,000 Announced the Winner SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA & SICRED & SIGAL LIFE UNIQA Group AUSTRIA 3,606,000.00
Central Purchasing Agency Sherbim gatimi dhe shperndarje ushqimi per Spitalin Rajonal Durres 113,617,233 Announced the Winner DION-AL (Ish "SHPRESA" SHPK) 112343962.18
Central Purchasing Agency Mirembajtje impiantesh elektrike per Qendren Spitalore Universitare Nene Tereza 4,165,988 Announced the Winner Meni SHPK 4,026,889.00
Central Purchasing Agency Blerje Materiale te Buta dhe Veshmbathje (Gazermimit) per Drejtorine e Pergjithshme te Burgjeve 77,874,800 Announced Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Blerje kepuce per personelin e sherbimit te urgjences mjekesore 5,491,457 Announced the Winner Blerina Sadiku 8,140 leke per njesi
Central Purchasing Agency "Blerje kepuce per punonjesit e Sherbimit Informativ te Shtetit". 1,752,000 Announced the Winner Blerina Sadiku 7,620 leke per njesi.
Central Purchasing Agency Sherbim i mirembajtjes se siperfaqeve te gjelberta, per Qendren Spitalore Universitare Nene Tereza 5,774,844 Cancelled Procurement KAJMAKU 5,006,625.00
Central Purchasing Agency Loti III Riparim, mirembajtjeje sistemi te ngrohje-ftohjeve ne Ministrine e Bujqesise dhe Zhvillimit Rural 3,997,847 Cancelled Procurement
Central Purchasing Agency Blerje uniformash dhe elementesh te tjera perberese te tyre per Drejtorine Arsimore Rajonale Tirane 2,278,212 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner Edlira Sulaj 274 700 leke pa tvsh (Shumatorja e çmimeve per njësi e ofruar.)


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