Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
5 ALB - SIGURACION 17 42,819,324 17 42,819,324 42,674,200

Tenders list

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Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Central Purchasing Operator ( Minikontrata 1) Lot 1: Sigurim i ndërtesave dhe aseteve të Qëndrës Spitalore të Tiranës "Shefqet Ndroqi", Njësia Tiranë dhe Njësia Kavajë Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION
Central Purchasing Operator Lot 1: Sigurim i ndërtesave dhe aseteve të Qëndrës Spitalore të Tiranës "Shefqet Ndroqi", Njësia Tiranë dhe Njësia Kavajë 2,289,090 Announced the Winner ALB - SIGURACION 2,266,000.00
National Emergency Service National Emergency Service Siguracioni i QKUM 5,145,000 Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 5,130,000.00
National Emergency Service National Emergency Service Siguracioni i QKUM 5,772,000 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 5,740,000.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital "Shërbime të Sigurmit të Pronës për SUT" 2,000,000 Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 1,998,700.00
National Emergency Service National Emergency Service Siguracioni i nderteses, zyrave dhe pajisjeve te QKUM 4,460,000 Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 4,427,500.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital "Shërbime të Sigurmit të Pronës për SUT" 1,186,900 Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 1,177,000.00
National Emergency Service National Emergency Service Sigurimi Nderteses, zyrat, paisjet e QKUM 3,500,000 Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 3,498,000.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Sigurimi i godines se Spitalit Universitar Shefqet Ndroqine teresi. (sherbim mbrojtje kunder zjarrit) 800,000 Announced the Winner ALB - SIGURACION 797,500.00
National Emergency Service National Emergency Service Siguracionin e nderteses, zyrave dhe pajisjeve te QKUM-se 3,653,333 Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 3,652,000.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Sigurmi i Prones per SUT 1,199,000 Announced the Winner ALB - SIGURACION 1,188,550.00
National Emergency Service National Emergency Service Sigurimi i Nderteses , zyrat, paisjet e QKUM-se 3,333,333 Announced the Winner ALB - SIGURACION 3,331,900.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Sigurimi i Prones per SUT 1,200,000 Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 1,199,000.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës SIGURIMI I NDERTESAVE, INV EKONOMIK, PAISJE INFORMATIKE TE SPITALIT RAJONAL DURRES 2,492,118 Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 2,490,400.00
National Emergency Service National Emergency Service Sigurimi i ndërtesës së zyrave, aseteve të luajtshme dhe të paluajtshme të QKUM 2,600,000 Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 2,598,750.00
National Emergency Service National Emergency Service Sigurimi i ndërtesës, zyrave, aseteve të luajtshme dhe të paluajtshme të QKUM 2,000,000 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract ALB - SIGURACION 1,992,000.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Sherbime te Sigurmit te Prones per SUT 1,188,550 Announced the Winner ALB - SIGURACION 1,186,900.00
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