Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
14 PHARMA PLUS 34 23,697,589 34 23,697,589 22,805,050

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center “Blerje barna në vijim të delegimit nga MSHMS për mbulimin e nevojave 24 mujore”, e ndarë në 108 lote.
Loti 86 Sistemi kardiovaskular Furosemide 40 mg Tablete
164,500 Announced the Winner PHARMA PLUS 152,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center “Blerje barna në vijim të delegimit nga MSHMS për mbulimin e nevojave 24 mujore”, e ndarë në 108 lote.
Loti 3 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Ciprofloxacine 500 mg Tablete
211,800 Announced the Winner PHARMA PLUS 48,600.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center ( Minikontrata1 ) “Blerje barna në vijim të delegimit nga MSHMS për mbulimin e nevojave 24 mujore”, e ndarë në 108 lote.
Loti 86 Sistemi kardiovaskular Furosemide 40 mg Tablete
Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS
Spitali Psikiatrik Ali Mihali Vlore Spitali Psikiatrik Ali Mihali Vlore Medikamente 331,742 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 325,100.00
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Lot 106 Ceftibuten 1,332,204 Announced the Winner PHARMA PLUS 1,332,000.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Dibër Regional Hospital Directorate of Dibër Blerje materiale mjekimi MM 1 per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Diber 6,189,750 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 6,099,900.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Dibër Regional Hospital Directorate of Dibër Blerje materiale mjekimi MM 2 per nevoja te Spitalit Rajonal Diber 4,885,238 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 4,795,800.00
Njesia Vendore e Kujdesit Shendetesor Shkoder Njesia Vendore e Kujdesit Shendetesor Shkoder Materiale mjekimi stomatologjike 2,500,000 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 2,499,460.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Loti 15 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Heparine calcium 12500 UI/0.5 ml - 0.5 ml Shiringe e para pergatitur 362,023 Announced the Winner PHARMA PLUS 301 leke per njesi
Hospital Service Directorate of Kavaja Hospital Service Directorate of Kavaja 21. Blerje medikamente per nevoja urgjente 306,776 Announced the Winner PHARMA PLUS 299,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Kuçova Hospital Service Directorate of Kuçova Blerje Medikamente dhe Materiale Mjeksore 787,816 Announced the Winner PHARMA PLUS 695,000.00
Health Centre Libohovë, Gjirokastër Health Centre Libohovë, Gjirokastër Ilace dhe materiale mjekesore 45,000 Announced the Winner PHARMA PLUS 44,000.00
Hospital Malësi e Madhe Hospital Malësi e Madhe Blerje ilaçe mjeksore 1,248,000 Announced the Winner PHARMA PLUS 1,199,640.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Cefazoline 50,131 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 50,000.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Ceftriaxone 572,930 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 570,000.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Ciprofloxacine 128,909 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 126,000.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Acetylsalicylicacid. 572 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 550.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Calcium chloride 42,683 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 42,600.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Heparine sodium 671,617 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 669,000.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Mannitol 834,982 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 832,500.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Hyoscine butylbromide 51,291 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 51,170.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Calcium gluconate 137,909 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 137,700.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Metoclopramid 77,346 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 77,000.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Ranitidine 81,432 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 81,000.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Adrenaline 30,646 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 30,000.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Furosemide 125,448 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 124,875.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Hydrochlorothiazide 894 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 875.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Spironolactone 1,890 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 1,875.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Metamizolesodium 111,348 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 111,000.00
Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal Shkoder Tramadol 2,656 Signed the Contract PHARMA PLUS 2,650.00