Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja 53 391 348,276,898 221 235,284,649 225,266,085

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 15 - Blerje Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) me form doze 100 mg -2 ml 64,800 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 64,800.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 16 - Blerje Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1) me form doze 50 mg -1 ml 61,236 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 61,236.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 17 - Blerje Ascorbic acid (Vitamine C) me form doze 100 mg - 2 ml 270,000 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 270,000.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 18 - Blerje Adrenaline me form doze 0.1 mg -1 ml 9,902 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 9,888.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 19 - Blerje Atenolol 100 mg 2,480 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 2,400.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 20 - Blerje Carvedilol me form doze 25 mg 684 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 680.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 21 - Blerje Digoxin me form doze 0.25 mg 2,236 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 2,232.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 24 - Blerje Lanatoside C me form doze 0.4 mg - 2 ml 13,759 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 13,759.20
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 25 - Blerje Nifedipine me form doze 10 mg 9,828 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 9,828.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 29 - Blerje Paracetamol me form doze 500 mg 2,712 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 2,640.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente për Spitalin Rajonal Fier. Loti 30 - Blerje Phenobarbital me form doze 10%-2 ml 7,409 Signed the Contract Aldosch-Farma SHPK 7,408.80
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Shërbimi i ruajtjes së sigurisë fizike me roje private - financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit 3,880,925 Signed the Contract EUROGJICI SECURITY SHPK 3,784,135.64
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje Kite Reagente për spitalin Lushnje. Loti 2 - CHROMA READERME 64,600 Re-Proclaimed Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje ushqime 2017 4,200,000 Cancelled Procurement GEA SHPK 3,487,425.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje protoksid Azoti - financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit 1,833,330 Announced the Winner VITAL Z & D SHPK 1,833,000.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje Kite Reagente për spitalin Lushnje. Loti 2 - CHROMA READERME 64,600 Cancelled Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje Kite Reagente për spitalin Lushnje. Loti 2 - Mallra Konsumi 160,900 Cancelled Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje Ushqimesh - të vëna në dispozicion nga Buxheti i Shtetit 5,000,000 Cancelled Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Evadimi i mbetjeve te rrezikshme spitalore - te vena ne dispozicion nga buxheti i shtetit 833,000 Cancelled Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 20 - Furosemide, 20 mg/2 ml, Ampule 36,192 Signed the Contract INCOMED SHPK 35,000.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 18 - Diazepam, 10 mg/2ml, Ampule 34,020 Signed the Contract TRIMED SHPK 24,750.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 25 - Dexamethasone sodium phosphate, 4 mg/1 ml, Ampule 5,400 Signed the Contract TRIMED SHPK 5,300.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 26 - Sodium Chloride, 0-9% - 500 ml, Flakon 567,168 Signed the Contract TRIMED SHPK 562,400.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 27 - Sodium bikarbonate, 0-84 gr -10 ml, Ampule 38,691 Signed the Contract EDNA - FARMA SHPK 38,625.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 1 - Gentamycin sulphate,40 mg/2 ml, Ampule 2,014 Announced Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 2 - Nystatine, 500 000 UI, Tablete 323 Announced Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 3 - Methylergometrine Maleate, 0-2 mg/ml, Ampule 790 Announced Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 4 - Progesterone, 25 mg - 1ml, Ampule 2,700 Announced Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 5 - Acid folic, 5mg, Tablete 86 Announced Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Blerje medikamentesh financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit- Loti 6 - Ferrous sulphate, 80mg, Tablete 548 Announced Procurement