Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Created with Highcharts 4.2.5tender_chart22_titleDrejtoria e Shërbi…Drejtoria e Shërbimit Spitalor GramshDrejtoria e Shërbi…Drejtoria e Shërbimit Spitalor KrujëDrejtoria e Shërbi…Drejtoria e Shërbimit Spitalor LibrazhdDrejtoria e Shërbi…Drejtoria e Shërbimit Spitalor PërmetDrejtoria e Shërbi…Drejtoria e Shërbimit Spitalor PukëDrejtoria e Shërbi…Drejtoria e Shërbimit Spitalor TropojëDrejtoria e Spitali…Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal BeratDrejtoria e Spitali…Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal GjirokastërDrejtoria e Spitali…Drejtoria e Spitalit Rajonal ShkoderMinistria e Shënd…Ministria e ShëndetësisëQendra Spitalore …Qendra Spitalore "Xhafer Kongoli" ElbasanSpitali Psikiatrik E…Spitali Psikiatrik ElbasanSpitali Rajonal Vl…Spitali Rajonal VlorëSpitali Universitar…Spitali Universitar "Shefqet Ndroqi" TiranëSpitali Universitar…Spitali Universitar Obstetrik-Gjinekologjik "Koco Gliozheni" Tiranë0100200300

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
30 INCOMED SHPK 545 2,671,724,453 539 2,666,371,847 1,584,987,164

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Regional Hospital of Vlora Regional Hospital of Vlora Loti 34-blerje Cefazoline 1,503,900 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Regional Hospital of Vlora Regional Hospital of Vlora Loti 52-blerje Isoflurane 412,996 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Regional Hospital of Vlora Regional Hospital of Vlora Loti 56-blerje Sevoflurane 3,148,250 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Regional Hospital of Vlora Regional Hospital of Vlora Loti 70-blerje Midazolam 90,885 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Regional Hospital of Vlora Regional Hospital of Vlora Loti 80-blerje Furosemide 366,120 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Regional Hospital of Vlora Regional Hospital of Vlora Loti 104-blerje Diclofenac 263,230 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Regional Hospital of Vlora Regional Hospital of Vlora Loti 146-blerje Lende kontrasti per CT 351-400 mg/ ml 1,225,854 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Loti 20 - Diclofenac 75 mg/3ml 765,440 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK 640,000.00
Trauma University Hospital Trauma University Hospital Loti 18 - Furosemide 20 mg/2 ml 325,440 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK 300,000.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Regional Hospital Directorate of Fier Blerje medikamente per vitin 2019 i ndare ne 30 Lote .
Lot 24 Ranitidine (150 mg, Tablete/ Kapsule)
7,800 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK 7,200.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 29 - Tigecycline 50mg/5ml INJ 1,151,105 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Psychiatric Hospital of Elbasan Psychiatric Hospital of Elbasan Blerje medikamente.
Lot 2 Cefazoline
151,874 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK 142,500.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Kruja Hospital Service Directorate of Kruja Lot 4 Furosemide 20,310 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK 20,310.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Kruja Hospital Service Directorate of Kruja Lot 11 Isoflurane 85,800 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK 85,500.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Loti 1 Anestezi Reanimacion Isoflurane 100 ml Flakon/ Ampule 4,130 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Loti 6 Lende kontrasti per CT 301-350 mg/ ml 100ml Tablete/ Kapsule 4,205 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Ministry of Health "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader:
Loti 6 Tigecycline
Signed the Contract INCOMED SHPK
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 13 Barna Antineoplastike dhe immunomodulatore Etoposide 100 mg 1,718,790 Signed the Contract INCOMED SHPK 1,718,790.00
"Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Loti 6 - Etoposide 134,066 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Loti 7 Nadroparine sodium 5700UI 1,464,134 Signed the Contract INCOMED SHPK 1,463,891.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 13 Barna Antineoplastike dhe immunomodulatore Etoposide 100 mg 1,718,790 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK 1,718,790.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Loti 9 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Nadroparine sodium 5700UI Shiringe e para pergatitur 797,633 Signed the Contract INCOMED SHPK
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Loti 9 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Nadroparine sodium 5700UI Shiringe e para pergatitur Signed the Contract INCOMED SHPK 319 lek per njesi
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Lot 10 Gadopentetic acid,Dimeglumine salt 10ml 2,002 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK 2,002.00
Ministry of Health "Shefqet Ndroqi" University Hospital of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader:
Loti 6 Tigecycline
Signed the Contract INCOMED SHPK
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Loti 9 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Nadroparine sodium 5700UI Shiringe e para pergatitur 797,633 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Loti 6 Tigecycline 18,072,341 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Loti 27 Mercaptopurine 151,755 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Loti 28 Mesna 830,372 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK
Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Loti 3 Lende kontrasti per CT 301-350 mg/ ml 10,878,898 Announced the Winner INCOMED SHPK