Tenderer institution no. | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | No. of announced tenders | Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) | No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
7 | ALVORA | 9 | 4,798,399 | 8 | 3,998,399 | 3,956,700 |
Procuring Authority / Buyer | Tender object | Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL | Stage Procedure | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | Awarded value |
Sh.A Ujesjelles Kanalizime Sarande | Permiresimi i Rrjetit te Kanalizimeve Zona (Metoq-Gjasht-Cuke) | Signed the Contract | ALVORA | 599,800 | |
Sh.A Ujesjelles Kukes | Mirembajtje rrjeti dhe blerje tubi . ( Nange Shtiqen) | 211,000 | Signed the Contract | ALVORA | 165,900.00 |
Sh.A Ujesjelles Tepelene | Blerje pompash 45kw, 25l/s per stacionn Tepelene | 800,000 | Signed the Contract | ALVORA | 719,800 |
Sh.A Ujesjelles Mat | Rikonstruksion dhe arredim i Arkes se UK | 500,000 | Signed the Contract | ALVORA | 399,800 |
Ndermarrja e Ujesjelles Kanalizimeve Kamez | Riparim rrjet Kun-je ne kufirin ndares Zall Mner Frutikulture | 799,770 | Signed the Contract | ALVORA | 699,800 |
Sh.A Ujesjelles Kukes | Riparim i linjes Ø 315 mm Lojme Depo uzine Rexhepaj | 600,000 | Signed the Contract | ALVORA | 539,000 |
Sh.A Ujesjelles Kanalizime Sarande | Rehabilitimi i rrjetit dytesor te ujesjellsit,sipas nevojave ne Sarande qytet Ndertimi i linjes ujesjelles,Stacion Pompimi Baba Rexhepi-Nyja Inertesh | 800,000 | Signed the Contract | ALVORA | 582,800 |
SHA Ujësjellës Kanalizime Tepelenë | Blerje F.V Elektropompe Zhytese dhe F.V Panel me Soft Starter 30 kW ne fshatin Vasjar, Memaliaj | 800,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ALVORA | 749,800.00 |
SHA Ujësjellës Kanalizime Mallakastër | Zevendesim rrjeti te furnizimit me uje te pijshem ne Fshatin Dukas | 287,629 | Signed the Contract | ALVORA | 249,800.00 |
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