Procuring Authority / Buyer | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | No. of announced tenders | Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) | No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
Operatori I Sistemit te Shperndarjes (OSSH) | “GBK” shpk | 3 | 215,954,011 | 3 | 215,954,011 | 207,774,072 |
Procuring Authority / Buyer | Tender object | Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL | Stage Procedure | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | Awarded value |
Drejtoria Rajonale e OSSH Fier | Blerje Shtylla druri dhe beton-arme | 180,000,000 | Announced the Winner | “GBK” shpk | 174,507,000.00 |
Drejtoria Rajonale e OSSH Fier | Rikonstruksion i rrjteit TU me kabllo me vetembajtje tip ABC ne kabinat e fiderit 20 kV nr. 12 perkatesisht ne kabinat 16, 17, 18,19,20 dhe 21 n/ST Fieri i ri ” | 17,338,741 | Announced the Winner | “GBK” shpk | 16,142,176 |
Drejtoria Rajonale e OSSH Fier | Rehabilitimi dhe ndertimi i rrjetit TM dhe TU me kabell ABC ne zonen e Bregdetit | 18,615,270 | Signed the Contract | “GBK” shpk | 17,124,896 |
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