Procuring Authority / Buyer | Sh.A Posta Shqiptare |
Procuring Authority / Buyer | |
Tender object | Minikontrata 1 Blerje Licensa Microsoft + shërbime të ndryshme për 2 vite |
Reference No. | REF-83386-12-29-2020 (Minikontrata 1) |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT | |
Type of Contract | |
Procurement Method | Open Procedure |
Stage Procedure | Signed the Contract |
Tender Publication Date | 30-12-2020 |
Last date of Submitted Documents | 25-01-2021 |
Tender Held Date | 25-01-2021 |
No. of Bidders | 2 |
Bidders |
“Infosoft Systems” sh.p.k “Info Business Solutions” sh.p.k |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
The winning bid ALL without vat | |
Bidder Announcement date | 17-02-2021 |
Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT | 16727335 |
Contract date | 26-03-2021 |
Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date | 2 vite |
Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT) | |
Appeals |
Nuk ka pasur ankesa. Janë Skualifikuar operatorët ekonomik: 1. “Info Business Solutions” sh.p.k, për këto arsye: - Nuk plotëson pikën 2.3.4 pasi Operatori ekonomik nuk ka paraqitur Autorizim nga Prodhuesi në të cilën të shprehet se operatori ekonomik ofertues eshte I autorizuar te realizoje shitjen e produkteve Microsoft new territorin e Shqiperise. |
Cancellation reason | |
Additions | |
Transaction / Actual Spending |
Monitor treasury transaction for INFOSOFT SYSTEMS viti 2014 Monitor treasury transaction for INFOSOFT SYSTEMS viti 2015-2018 Monitor treasury transaction for INFOSOFT SYSTEMS viti 2019-2020 |
Public Announcement Bulletin |
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