Contracting in a state of Natural Disaster Covid19- Strengthening Independent Monitoring Mechanisms
The States’ challenge during the Covid-19 state of emergency, were: quick, smart and transparent procurements. Through this project we want to make transparency on public contracting during the Covid-19, strengthening the independent monitoring mechanism and give recommendations for improvement. Medical needs were accompanied by difficulties-restrictions. The draft proposal aims at ensuring transparency, evaluation, recommendations, and improvement for emergency contracting. The project activities create instruments and strengthen independent control mechanism. Strengthened access to documents through open catalogues. Finally, the project identifies how the needs for contracting and legal regulation were met.
Project Purpose and Objectives:
Project description:
The project activities create instruments & strengthen independent control mechanism .
Strengthened access to documents through open catalogues. Evaluation and reports prepared by promoting transparency, accountability, good governance over situations characterized by emergencies in natural disasters. Finally, the project identifies how the needs for contracting& legal regulation were met. Workshop enhances civil actors' skills in monitoring contracting& decision-making in times of Natural Disaster.
About the Implementation
This is a Project of AIS / Open Data Albania. AIS, is registered in the National Registry of non-profit organizations and the tax office in March 2011. Nine years of experience. Since then, AIS:
Areas of engagement. has implemented projects and programs with an impact on transparency; information; accountability; good governance; democracy; civic reaction; Policy Analysis, data analysis; avocations, lobbying and anticorruption.
Open Data Ecosystem. It works based on an ecosystem with executive staff, experts, collaborators and information and database users interact to ensure information, analysis and scientific research.
Cross-Disciplinary Teams It has created teams for implementation of projects and contracts with interdisciplinary professional contributions and experts in various areas of Economy, Statistics, legislation, information technology and public communication.
Catalogues by Innovative Standards. It is known as promoter and implementer of Open Data Standards; Open Budget Spending; Open Contracting in Albania.
Author of several database and catalogues with open and well-structured data, offering user-friendly data for the public budget sector, expenditures, asset declaration, procurement and public contracting; electoral spending; access to legislation; etc.
Well-structured data (on applicant's databases) has a reuse margin at an estimated 95%. Data and database users include media, activists, watchdog groups, researcher and scientific researcher. • Empower Public through Open Knowledge.
Risk Assessment Algorithm. It conducts automatic risk assessment algorithms in tenders, one local government unit and several sectors or public institutions. Algorithms used by public auditing institutions, Media and watchdog or anticorruption organizations.
Impact on public debate. Promotes and improves public debate through open information and knowledge.
Capacity Building. It empowers various open data users, journalists, students, policymakers, activists and lobbyist or advocator for various fields. This will be done through training; workshop; events such as datathon and the National Hackathons, various actors of open data, journalists, students, politicians, activists and lobbyists or advocators for various fields.
The work portfolio of AIS includes a list of well-structured and consistent databases on public spending Contracts and Procurement Risk Assessment Business Corporates
Databaza e tenderave gjatë periudhës së gjendjes të katastrofës natyrore Covid19 është pjesë e projektit “Kontrata publike në një gjendje të katastrofës natyrore Covid19- Forcimi i Mekanizmave të Pavarur të Monitorimit” të mbështetur financiarisht nga Programi i Granteve të Vogla i Komisionit për Demokraci i Ambasadës së SH.B.A.-së në Tiranë. Opinionet, gjetjet, konkluzionet dhe rekomandimet e shprehura janë të autor-it/ve dhe nuk përfaqësojnë domosdoshmërish ato të Departamentit të Shtetit.
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