Open Procurement Albania

Number of Results 45

Red flagging of a procurement procedure indicates a potential exposure or risk for unlawful or unethical business conduct, mainly as regards non-compliance with anti-corruption laws. The rating for these categories will be done automatically, with predefined analytical filters.

Tenders with redflags

id Title Procuring Authority / Buyer Procuring Authority / Buyer Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT Annoucement Date Reference No.
54066 Blerje Automjete me karroceri 3 cope Qeverisja Vendore Finiq Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 3 750 000.00 05-03-2024 REF-97214-03-04-2024
51309 Pjesë këmbimi dhe riparim mjetesh Qeverisja Vendore Finiq Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 6 416 667.00 15-03-2023 REF-62284-03-13-2023
50950 Rikonstruksion i rrugës së fshatit Dhivër me shtresë asfalti Qeverisja Vendore Finiq Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 8 333 333.00 13-02-2023 REF-58657-02-10-2023
51142 Mirembajtje kanale vaditese Qeverisja Vendore Finiq Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 5 030 000.00 01-03-2023 REF-59416-02-17-2023
47779 Mirembajtje e objekteve shkollore Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 1 250 000.00 23-07-2022 REF-36512-07-18-2022
47208 Blerje materiale elektrike Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 3 333 333.00 13-05-2022 REF-28820-05-12-2022
47543 Zevendesim pompe ne stacionin e pompave te ujesjellesit te fshatit Muzine Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 2 500 000.00 07-06-2022 REF-31876-06-06-2022
45784 Pjesë këmbimi dhe riparim mjetesh Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 4 166 666.00 25-02-2022 REF-20542-02-24-2022
45163 Blerje karburanti per vitin 2022 Qeverisja Vendore Finiq Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 16 666 666.00 15-12-2021 REF-15026-12-14-2021
40613 Sherbime mirembajtje dhe riparimi ne objektet shkollore te Bashkise Finiq Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 1 250 000.00 01-07-2021 REF-99621-06-30-2021
39591 Restaurimi i Urrës - Kanali Thoma Filipeu me strukture metalike dhe B/A Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 15 423 307.00 14-05-2021 REF-95309-05-12-2021
39613 Blerje materiale elektrike Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 4 166 666.00 20-05-2021 REF-95900-05-19-2021
38571 Pjesë kembimi dhe riparim mjetesh Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 4 166 667.00 31-03-2021 REF-91926-03-30-2021
37664 Blerje karburanti, vaj, graso, gaz Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 9 166 666.00 04-03-2021 REF-88885-03-03-2021
33625 Loti II-te Mjetet e renda- Riparim mjetesh,Pjese kembimi,graso , vaj motorash, hidraulik,antifrize (Furnizim-vendosje) Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 3 333 333.00 06-05-2020 REF-57429-05-05-2020
33626 Loti I-re Mjetet e lehta- Riparim mjetesh,Pjese kembimi,graso , vaj motorash, hidraulik,antifrize (Furnizim-vendosje) Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 1 333 333.00 06-05-2020 REF-57427-05-05-2020
32939 Supervizion punimesh per objektin Ujesjellesi Rajonal i Finiqit (Linja e jashtme) Burimet e Merkos. Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 4 231 296.00 11-03-2020 REF-53700-03-10-2020
33111 Blerje karburanti (diesel) Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 833 333.00 08-04-2020 REF-55711-04-07-2020
33155 Blerje materiale hidraulike Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 1 666 667.00 16-04-2020 REF-56258-04-15-2020
30384 Blerje karburant ( diesel, benzine, gaz propan) per ne voja te Bashkise Finiq ( shtese buxheti). Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 3 000 000.00 08-10-2019 REF-38492-10-07-2019
26494 Blerje materiale ndertimore Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 16 666 666.00 10-04-2019 REF-17349-04-09-2019
25263 Rehabilitim i rrugeve te Bashkise Finiq Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 10 416 666.00 26-02-2019 REF-10525-02-25-2019
24821 Blerje materiale elektrike per ndricim rrugor Qeverisja Vendore Finiq Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 13 333 333.00 05-02-2019 REF-06379-02-04-2019
25159 Blerje sherbimi" Portali taksapaguesve Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 2 166 666.00 18-02-2019 REF-08706-02-17-2019
25160 Blerje sherbimi "Dixhitalizimi aseteve pyjeve dhe kullotave Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 1 500 000.00 18-02-2019 REF-08702-02-17-2019
25273 Blerje mjet germimi Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 1 416 666.00 26-02-2019 REF-10526-02-25-2019
25266 F.V barriera mbrojtese ( siguria rrugore) Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 3 333 333.00 26-02-2019 REF-10527-02-25-2019
24796 Blerje karburant per nevoja te bashkise Finiq (2019) Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 14 129 166.00 01-02-2019 REF-05904-01-31-2019
21370 Dhenie me qera te siperfaqes shteterore fshati Pandalejmon Njesia Administrative Livadhja Bashkia Finiq siperfaqe 3 ,1015 ha. Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 0.00 01-10-2018 1
19663 Blerje automjeti VAN per nevoja te bashkise Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 2 500 000.00 18-07-2018 REF-79602-07-17-2018
19021 Blerje automjete zjarrfikese për Sektorin SHMZSH Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 5 000 000.00 22-06-2018 REF-75936-06-21-2018
17514 Blerje autobuz për transport udhëtaresh Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 4 166 666.00 02-05-2018 REF-66333-04-30-2018
17388 Blerje materiale për mirëmbajtjen e rrugëve,veprave ujore dhe rrjeteve hidraulike Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 14 100 000.00 30-04-2018 REF-65928-04-28-2018
18129 Shërbime mirëmbejtje automjetesh Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 2 500 000.00 24-05-2018 REF-71087-05-23-2018
16157 Blerje karburanti Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 9 500 000.00 15-03-2018 REF-55851-03-13-2018
15909 Blerje automjete Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 5 000 000.00 02-03-2018 REF-52975-02-28-2018
15760 Shtesë kontrate: “Blerje karburant për nevoja të Bashkisë Finiq" Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 2 208 000.00
13532 Dhenie me qera te pasurise shtetërore Nr rendor 172, Parcela Nr 18, Ekonomia Pyjore-Kullosore Livadhja -Vllazërim , Nr Kadastral 1483,1472 me sipërfaqe 114,6 ha. Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 0.00 13-11-2017 1
11009 Blerje FV mbrojtëse metalike për sistemin rrugor Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 1 666 666.00 26-07-2017 REF-22030-07-25-2017
11085 Shpenizme për mirëmbajtje Mjete transporti & eskavatorë Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 1 666 666.00 07-08-2017 REF-23221-08-04-2017
10660 Rikualifikim urban i sheshit Livadhja - Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 51 682 705.00 09-06-2017 REF-17081-06-08-2017
10647 Blerje Gazoil, Benzine dhe Gaz Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 9 200 000.00 07-06-2017  REF-16742-06-06-2017
5347 Blerje ndricuesa për nevojat e bashkisë Finiq Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 5 000 000.00 02-11-2016 REF-56266-11-02-2016
4188 Blerje Materiale Ndertimi per Infrastrukturen Rrugore Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 10 000 000.00 28-09-2016 REF-51168-09-27-2016
3389 Blerje karburanti per autovetura Qeverisja Vendore Finiq 4 074 000.00 27-06-2016
Lack of competition

Procurement takes place with one single competitor. The Albanian law does allow for such procedures, but what such procedures often demonstrate, more than just lack of competition, is criteria and application deadlines that are obviously in favor of a certain company (clientelism). Such tenders deserve to be considered exposed to risk.

Procedure me negocim

Procedure me negocim

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Me negocim, pa njoftim

Me negocim, pa njoftim

Insufficient time for preparing offers (technical offer plus documentation)

Insufficient term according to the legal criteria set out in Article 43 of Law 9643 "On Public Procurement" as amended.

Allocation of additional funds before the completion of the first stage of the contract

Allocation of additional funds before the completion of the first stage of the contract. There is also a possibility for the contracting authority to allocate an additional fund of 20% of the original offer. Such funds must be justified by reasons like unexpected difficulties caused by natural disasters, explicit changes in the market, changes in the price indexes, etc.

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Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner

The Procuring Authority has disqualified all competitive operators with a bid lower than the winning bid. It is not classified as disqualification the case of the operator submitting other documents and not submitting any offer at all. The evaluation is conducted only for tendering procedures worth over 5 milion ALL.

Cancellation of the tender procedure two or more times

In the event of a two-time cancellation of tenders with the same object, there is room to assess the difficulties or defects that have made it impossible to finalize the winners of the procedure. Repeating two times in a row is a precedent that legitimizes open competition to be replaced by direct negotiation.

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