Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by tenderer institution

Summary results by tenderer institution

Tenderer institution no. Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
5 234 498 170,084,455,648 286 146,860,548,165 134,181,167,229

Tenders list

Procuring Authority Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Albanian Road Authority (Minikontrata1)Loti 3: Mirëmbajtje rutinë me performancë rruga Përmet - Këlcyrë + rruga Këlcyrë - Ballaban + rruga k/Gllavë - Ballaban 55.4 km Signed the Contract IDK – Konstruksion
Albanian Road Authority ( Minikontrata1 ) Loti 1: Mirëmbajtje rutinë dhe dimerore me performancë rruga k/Dhuvjan - Libohovë + rruga Valare - Erind - Çajup + rruga ura e Leklit - Këlcyrë 45.3 km Signed the Contract ALB-BUILDING SHPK
Albanian Road Authority Loti 9: Mirëmbajtje rutine me performancë rruga k/Muzinë – Delvinë + rruga ura e Gajdarit – Delvinë + rruga ura e Gajdarit – Qafe Gjashtë + rruga Kardhiq – Delvinë (loti 1) + rruga Kardhiq – Delvinë (loti 2+3) + rruga e plazhit Kakome 47.2 km Signed the Contract ARTI SHPK
Albanian Road Authority ( Minikontrata 1 ) Loti 6: Mirëmbajtje rutinë me performancë rruga Tepelenë - Gusmar - k/Kuc + rruga Brataj - Kuc (fshat) 57.3 km Signed the Contract 2 T SHPK
Albanian Road Authority Loti 3: Mirëmbajtje me performancë: Korce - Erseke (Rruga e re) (34.2), dhe Deg. Q. e Qarit - Erseke (Rruga e vjeter) (25.1), L = 55.9 km 192,904,028 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner “RSM COMPANY” SHPK & “REJ” SHPK 192,806,709.00
Albanian Road Authority Loti 5: Mirëmbajtje me performancë: Libonik - Lozhan - Molla Grabove (kufi Gramsh), L = 53.1 km 182,250,868 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner IDK – Konstruksion 182,250,692.00
Albanian Road Authority Loti 2: Mirëmbajtje me performancë: Gramsh - Mollë Grabovë (kufi Korçë) (23.7) + Gramsh - K/Drize (6.9) + K/Drize - Banje (8.7) + K/Drize - Kaçivel (Elbasan) (6.6) + Drize – Poroçan (Kanioni i Holtes) (8.7). L = 54.6 km 175,842,112 Announced the Winner ALKO IMPEX CONSTRUCTION & ALKO IMPEX General Construksion SHPK 171,466,795.00
Albanian Road Authority Loti 4: Mirëmbajtje me performancë: Unazë - Ersekë (2.1) + Ersekë - Leskovik (42.8) + Rr. Leskovik - Tre Urat (Doganë) (13.7), L = 58.7 km 112,066,021 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner IDK – Konstruksion 165,010,552.00
Albanian Road Authority Loti 7: Mirëmbajtje me performancë: Korcë - Voskopojë (18.23) + Libonik - Rëmbec - Plasë (12.2), L = 30.4 km 122,410,337 Announced the Winner Vashtemia SHPK & AVDOLLI SHPK 97,681,053.00
Albanian Road Authority Loti 8: Mirëmbajtje me performancë: rruga K/Podgorie (Lapidari) - Kryqëzim Liqenas, (19.6) + K/Boboshticë - Dardhë (13.6), L = 33.2 km 133,174,078 Announced the Winner “OUEN”sh.p.k & “Shpresa-Al” sh.p.k 108,589,089.00
Albanian Road Authority “Supervizion punimesh Ndërtim aksi rrugor Paperr - Ura e Grykshit, Faza I” 20,090,587 Announced the Winner “S&L Studio” sh.p.k 18,000,000.00
Albanian Road Authority “Supervizion punimesh Ndërtim aksi rrugor Paperr - Ura e Grykshit, Faza III” 20,868,981 Signed the Contract GJEOKONSULT & CO SHPK 18,900,000.00
Albanian Road Authority “Supervizion punimesh Ndërtim aksi rrugor Paperr - Ura e Grykshit, Faza II” 22,117,196 Signed the Contract TRANSPORT HIGHWAY CONSULTING 20,095,000.00
Albanian Road Authority ( Mnikontrata 1 ) Supervizion mirëmbajtje me performancë të rrugëve për Rajonin Verior Signed the Contract GJEOKONSULT & CO SHPK
Albanian Road Authority Supervizion punimesh Ndertim aksi rrugor Elbasan - Paperr Faza II 18,230,373 Announced the Winner “HYDROWATER-ALBANIA” & “STUDIO-REBUS”, 16,407,336.00
Albanian Road Authority ( Minikontrata 1 ) Loti 8: Mirëmbajtje rutinë me performancë rruga Ukë - Butrint + rruga Metoq - Çukë - Pllakë - Xarrë - Shkallë (k.sh97) + rruga Çukë - kanali i Çukës 42.2 km Signed the Contract JODY COMPANY SHPK
Albanian Road Authority ( Minikontrata1 ) Loti 15: Mirëmbajtje me performancë rruga “Ura e Matit - Kthesa e Lapidarit - Rrëshen, K/Rrugën Kombëtare - Ulëz, Qafë Bualli - Krastë” (gjatësia totale 48.8 km) Signed the Contract SELAMI
Albanian Road Authority ( Minikontrata 1 )Supervizion mirëmbajtje me performancë të rrugëve për Rajonin Jugor Signed the Contract A & E Engineering SHPK
Albanian Road Authority ( Minikontrata 1) Loti 14: Mirëmbajtje me performancë rruga “Peshkopi (K/Rr.Tomin) - D/Kuben - Vasije, U. Cerenecit Sebisht (Borovë)” (gjatësia totale 57.3 km) Signed the Contract ALKO IMPEX CONSTRUCTION & ALKO IMPEX General Construksion SHPK
Albanian Road Authority Plotesim i punimeve ne segmentin rrugor Qukes - Qafe Plloçe Loti 0 335,957,708 Announced the Winner ALBAVIA SHPK 246,238,366.00
Albanian Road Authority "Supervizion punimesh Plotesim i punimeve ne segmentin rrugor Qukes - Qafe Plloçe 2,993,464 Announced the Winner “TAULANT" SHPK” & “Noor Engineering” 2,694,000.00
Albanian Road Authority Supervizion punimesh Rehabilitim i segmentit rrugor Shijan - Delvinë dhe rruga lidhëse e fshatit Vergo, ndriçimi i rrethrrotullimit të Shijanit 2,811,541 Announced the Winner INFRATECH SHPK 2,487,490.00
Albanian Road Authority Loti 1: Mirëmbajtje me performancë: Librazhd – Fushë Studë – Borovë – Sebisht (35.5) + Urakë - Golik, (8.6). L= 44.1 km (Rishpallje) 134,481,255 Re-Proclaimed Procurement
Albanian Road Authority Supervizion punimesh Ndertim aksi rrugor Elbasan - Paperr Faza I 19,195,959 Signed the Contract “KLODIODA” & “SPHAERA” 12-12-2024
Albanian Road Authority Supervizion punimesh Ndertim aksi rrugor Elbasan - Paperr Faza III 22,235,867 Signed the Contract “A & E ENGINEERING sh.p.k”& “ IMES-D”, 20,900,000.00
Albanian Road Authority Sistemim asfaltim rruget e Drejtorise se Rajonit Jugor Gjirokaster 124,686,479 Announced the Winner “DEHA 2010” & “Rroku GUEST” 83,332,922.00
Albanian Road Authority “Rehabilitim i segmentit rrugor Shijan - Delvine dhe rruga lidhese e fshatit Vergo, ndriçimi i rrethrrotullimit të Shijanit” 288,144,321 Announced the Winner COBIAL 254,184,206.00
Albanian Road Authority “Supervizion punimesh Rehabilitimi i rruges Fier - Kthesa e Patosit - Frataj” 24,995,760 Signed the Contract GR ALBANIA 22,000,000.00
Albanian Road Authority Loti 10: Mirëmbajtje me performancë rruga “Kukës - Bushtricë (Vasije)” (gjatësia totale 34 km) Signed the Contract BE-IS SHPK
Albanian Road Authority ( Minikontrata 1 ) Loti 6: Mirëmbajtje me performancë rruga “Lezhë - Hoteli i Gjuetisë, K/Balldre - Bisht Jugë, Lezhë - Nënshat (Kufi me Shkodrën)” (gjatësia totale 43.4 km) Signed the Contract “IRIDIAN” & “AURORA KONSTRUKSION”


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