Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
10 NELSA SHPK 36 49,873,611 36 49,873,611 39,451,700

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Central Purchasing Operator Loti II. Blerje Bulmet dhe Vezë 22,894,549 Announced the Winner NELSA SHPK 17,425,410.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Librazhd Hospital Service Directorate of Librazhd Minikontrata 1 Blerje ushqime, për nevoja spitalore. Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK
Hospital Service Directorate of Librazhd Hospital Service Directorate of Librazhd Blerje ushqime, për nevoja spitalore. 2,500,000 Announced the Winner NELSA SHPK 2,398,720.00
Central Purchasing Operator Loti 6 - "Blerje fruta dhe perime"-Qarku Diber 1,152,712 Announced the Winner NELSA SHPK 976,650.00
Central Purchasing Operator Hospital Service Directorate of Bulqiza Kontrata 1 - Kontratë në bazë të Marrëveshjes Kuadër: Loti 6 - "Blerje fruta dhe perime"-Qarku Diber Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK
Regional Health Directorate of Shkodra Regional Health Directorate of Shkodra Loti III: Blerje ushqime kolonjare dhe zarazavate : me fond limit prej 2 656 486 (dy milion e gjashteqind e pesedhjete e gjashte mije e katerqind e tetedhjete e gjashte) lekë pa TVSH dhe shumatorja e cmimeve per njesi 7278 (shtate mije e dyqind e shtatedhjete e tete) leke pa 2,656,486 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK Cmimi per Njesi 3055
Hospital Service Directorate of Gramsh Hospital Service Directorate of Gramsh Blerje Artikuj Ushqimore 2,541,850 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 2,098,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Kukës Hospital Service Directorate of Kukës Loti 1 Buke 800,000 Announced the Winner NELSA SHPK 700,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Kukës Hospital Service Directorate of Kukës Loti 3 Bylmet 1,369,500 Announced the Winner NELSA SHPK 1,301,600.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Kukës Hospital Service Directorate of Kukës Loti 4 Fruta Perime 704,920 Announced the Winner NELSA SHPK 657,680.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Kruja Hospital Service Directorate of Kruja Loti 6 - Blerje perime. 286,000 Announced the Winner NELSA SHPK 233,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Loti Nr. 5: Blerje Buke 454,167 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 350,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Loti Nr. 3: Blerje Mishi 330,458 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 295,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Loti Nr. 2: Blerje Bulmeti 655,963 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 521,400.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Loti Nr. 1: Blerje Ushqimesh 338,432 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 272,600.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Hospital Service Directorate of Korça Blerje Ushqimesh per shtepite Mbeshtetse 1,770,250 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 1,676,935.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Blerje ushqimesh 261,431 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 258,480.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Shtesë kontrate: Furnizime dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat, Lot Nr.1 Blerje Ushqimore 38,360 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract NELSA SHPK 38,360.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Shtesë kontrate: Furnizime dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat, Loti Nr.2 Blerje Bulmet 107,000 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract NELSA SHPK 107,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Shtesë kontrate: Furnizime dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat, Loti Nr.3 Blerje Mish Vici 91,980 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract NELSA SHPK 91,980.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Shtesë kontrate: Furnizime dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat, Loti Nr.4 Blerje Perime 38,990 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract NELSA SHPK 38,990.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Shtesë kontrate: Furnizime dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat, Loti Nr.5 Blerje Buke 59,280 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract NELSA SHPK 59,280.00
"Koco Gliozheni" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana "Koco Gliozheni" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana Shtesë kontrate: Blerje ushqime 939,475 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract NELSA SHPK 939,475.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Furnizim dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat- Loti 1 - Blerje bulmeti 686,550 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 535,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Furnizim dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat- Loti 2 - Blerje mishi 517,600 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 461,160.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Furnizim dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat- Loti 3 - Blerje buke 446,500 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 210,150.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Furnizim dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat- Loti 4 - Blerje perime 230,128 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 296,400.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Furnizim dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat- Loti 5 - Blerje ushqimesh 409,222 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 398,825.00
National Center for Blood Transfusion National Center for Blood Transfusion Blerje lëngje frutash dhe kekë për dhururesit 1,862,000 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 1,615,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Hospital Service Directorate of Mat Furnizim dhe shërbime me ushqim për mencat- Financuar nga Buxheti i Shtetit 305,888 Signed the Contract NELSA SHPK 303,185.00