Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Regional Hospital of Durrës 101 966 2,446,772,351 541 1,727,530,549 1,438,124,065

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 1:” Blerja materiale elektrike ” 1,342,060 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 2: “Blerje materiale Hidraulike” 422,450 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 3: ” Blerje aksesore per dyer dhe dritare” 186,500 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 4 : ” Mbushje dhe kolaudim bombule me pluhur kunder zjarri 10 kg” 510,000 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Minikontarte 1-Transport dhe asgjesim i mbetjeve te rrezikshme spitalore per Spitalin Rajonal Durres - Marreveshje kuader me nje operator ekonomik ku te gjitha kushtet jane te percaktuara, me afat 12 muaj Signed the Contract V.A.L.E. RECYCLING 5,976,000.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 1 - ampicilin 1 gr 316,980 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Mirembajtje Full – Risk Te Pajisjeve Te Medha Mjekesore Ct+Mri” Per Nevojat E Spitalit Rajonal Durres 22,860,100 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract HEALTH & LIGHT ShPK 22,586,400.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Transport dhe asgjesim i mbetjeve te rrezikshme spitalore per Spitalin Rajonal Durres - Marreveshje kuader me nje operator ekonomik ku te gjitha kushtet jane te percaktuara, me afat 12 muaj 9,932,000 Announced the Winner V.A.L.E. RECYCLING 5,976,000.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Blerje Protoksid Azoti 7,732,778 Signed the Contract VITAL Z & D SHPK 7,711,200.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Blerje medikamenti ampicilin 1 gr per Spitalin Rajonal Durres - Marreveshje kuader me nje operator ekonomik ku te gjitha kushtet jane te percaktuara, me afat 12 muaj 1,065,000 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Rikonstruksioni i Poliklinikes se Spitalit Rajonal Durres 97,099,488 Signed the Contract NG STRUCTURES 62,829,470.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Minikontrate 1-Blerje materiale ortopedike dhe traumatologjike per Spitali Rajonal Durres Signed the Contract Layo” SHPK & Trimed 34,843,150.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Minikontrate 1-BLERJE MATERIALE PËR KIRURGJINË E KATARAKTËS PËR SPITALIN RAJONAL DURRËS Signed the Contract Gen-Alb Farma SHPK 3,699,000.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës BLERJE MATERIALE PËR KIRURGJINË E KATARAKTËS PËR SPITALIN RAJONAL DURRËS 3,757,100 Announced the Winner Gen-Alb Farma SHPK 3,699,000.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Minikontrate 1-Transport dhe Evadim i Mbetjeve Urbane për Spitalin Rajonal Durrës Signed the Contract ALPEN PULITO 1,528,623.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Blerje materiale ortopedike dhe traumatologjike per Spitali Rajonal Durres 34,942,785 Announced the Winner Layo” SHPK & Trimed 34,843,150.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Minikontrate 1-Loti 1 - Materiale mjeksore te pergjithshme per nevoja spitalore Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract MONTAL SHPK - BIOMETRIC ALBANIA SHPK 19,890,600.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës -Loti 1 - Materiale mjeksore te pergjithshme per nevoja spitalore 19,975,380 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner MONTAL SHPK - BIOMETRIC ALBANIA SHPK 19,890,600.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Transport dhe Evadim i Mbetjeve Urbane për Spitalin Rajonal Durrës 1,874,946 Announced the Winner ALPEN PULITO 1,528,623.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Minikontrata 1 Loti 1 Mirëmbajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese e pajisjeve mjekesore Signed the Contract Montal SHPK
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Minikontrata 1 Loti 2 Mirëmbajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese pajisje radiologjike ne Pediatri Signed the Contract Montal SHPK
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Minikontrata 1 Loti 1 Materiale per marrjen e gjakut. Signed the Contract Farma Net Albania
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Minikontrata 1 Loti 2 Materiale per marrjen e mostrave te anatomise patologjike Signed the Contract Farma Net Albania
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Minikontrata 1 Loti 2 - Materiale kirurgjikale per nevoja spitalore Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 1 Mirëmbajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese e pajisjeve mjekesore 6,692,800 Announced the Winner Montal SHPK 6,540,000.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 2 Mirëmbajtje parandaluese dhe korrigjuese pajisje radiologjike ne Pediatri 1,656,000 Announced the Winner Montal SHPK 1,600,000.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 2 - Materiale kirurgjikale per nevoja spitalore 24,119,578 Announced the Winner EUROMED shpk 24,062,070.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 2 Materiale per marrjen e mostrave te anatomise patologjike 829,921 Announced the Winner Farma Net Albania 597,470.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Loti 1 Materiale per marrjen e gjakut. 4,790,372 Announced the Winner Farma Net Albania 3,189,640.00
Regional Hospital of Durrës Regional Hospital of Durrës Mbikqyrje punimesh per objektin: Rikonstruksion i Godinës së Poliklinikës Qëndrore Durrës 795,669 Announced Procurement