Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda 42 454 302,034,983 296 281,056,382 263,925,775

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Sherbimi i lavanterise dhe hotelerise ne pavionet e Drejtorise Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande Signed the Contract ABI’S” SH.P.K”
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Sherbimi i lavanterise dhe hotelerise ne pavionet e Drejtorise Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande 97,256,679 Announced the Winner ABI’S” SH.P.K” 96,880,898.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Lot 2 Blerje kite e reagente hematologjike per analizator SISMEX – KX-21 1,170,400 Signed the Contract SWISSMED SHPK 20920 leke per njesi
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Lot 1 - Blerje kite reagent per laboratorin klinik biokimik Signed the Contract GAMMA 
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Lot 3 - Blerje material konsumi laboratorik per laboratore klinik biokimik Signed the Contract GAMMA 
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Minikontrata nr. 1 ne zbatim të Marrëveshjes Kuadër me titull: Blerje oksigjen mjekesor i gazte per nevoja te Drejtorise se Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande Signed the Contract MESSER ALBAGAZ SHPK
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Lot 1 - Blerje kite reagent per laboratorin klinik biokimik 1,164,338 Announced the Winner
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Lot 3 - Blerje material konsumi laboratorik per laboratore klinik biokimik 438,883 Announced the Winner
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Minikontrata nr. 1 ne zbatim të Marrëveshjes Kuadër me Titull: “Shërbimi i evadimit të mbetjeve të rrezikshme spitalore“ për Spitalin Sarandë Signed the Contract V.A.L.E. RECYCLING
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje oksigjen mjekesor i gazte per nevoja te Drejtorise se Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande 19,180,800 Announced the Winner MESSER ALBAGAZ SHPK 19,180,800.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda “Shërbimi i evadimit të mbetjeve të rrezikshme spitalore“ për Spitalin Sarandë 6,779,880 Announced the Winner
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda “Blerje oksigjen mjekesor i gazte per nevoja emergjente te Drejtorise se Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande’’ 1,347,840 Announced the Winner MESSER ALBAGAZ SHPK 1,347,840.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda “Shërbimi i evadimit të mbetjeve të rrezikshme spitalore“ për Spitalin Sarandë 1,129,980 Signed the Contract PURA-MEDICAL 570,000.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda “Rikonstruksionin e Pediatrisë në Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande” 4,918,148 Signed the Contract NEAL-86 SHPK 4,378,010.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda “Blerje lëndë djegëse për ngrohje-pellet për nevoja të Drejtorisë së Shërbimit Spitalor Sarandë ” 1,465,070 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda “Blerje lëndë djegëse për ngrohje-pellet për nevoja të Drejtorisë së Shërbimit Spitalor Sarandë ” 1,465,070 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda “Rikonstruksionin e Pediatrisë në Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande” 4,918,148 Cancelled Procurement COLOMBO SHPK 4,470,663.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 1 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid (125 mg + 31.25mg)/5 ml - 100 ml Flakon 45,382 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 2 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Azithromycin 250 mg Tablete/ Kapsule 23,012 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 3 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Azithromycin 100 mg/5ml - 20 ml Flakon 9,423 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 4 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Benzathine Benzylpenicillin 1.2 milion UI/2.5 ml Flakon/ Shiringe e para pergatitur 168,323 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 5 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Cefuroxime 500 mg Tablete 6,479 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 6 Anti-infektive te pergjithshem Cefuroxime 250 mg Tablete 1,601 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 7 Antituberkulare Rifampicin 300 mg Kapsule 2,781 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 8 Barna antiparazitare Mebendazole 100 mg Tablete 168 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 9 Barna dermatologjike Ketoconazole 20 mg/gr - 30 gr Tubet 2,352 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 10 Barna hormonale sistemike, hormonet seksuale Methylergometrine Maleate 0.2 mg/1 ml Ampule 3,562 Cancelled Procurement
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 11 Barna hormonale sistemike, hormonet seksuale Oxytocin 10 UI/ml Ampule 138,518 Announced the Winner Farma Net Albania 98.90 leke per njesi
Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Hospital Service Directorate of Saranda Blerje medikamente per Drejtorine e Sherbimit Spitalor Sarande - ndare ne 33 lote - Lot 12 Gjaku dhe organet formuese te gjakut Acenocoumarol 4 mg Tablete 233 Cancelled Procurement