A Red Flag is a fact, event, or set of circumstances, or other information that may indicate a potential legal compliance concern for illegal or unethical business conduct, particularly with regard to corrupt practices and non-compliance with anti-corruption laws.
Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner/ Disqualification of the lowest value bid
Procuring Authority / Buyer | Drejtoria Rajonale e OSSH Gjirokaster |
Procuring Authority / Buyer | Drejtoria Rajonale e OSSH Gjirokaster | Tender object | Ndërtimi i rrjetit kabllor 20 Kv, Fideri –F8,F9,F10 nënstacioni Gjirokastër 110/35/20Kv (Zona Kardhiq)-Faza 1 |
Reference No. | REF-86015-11-01-2023 |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT | 79 526 869,00 |
Type of Contract | |
Procurement Method | Open Procedure |
Stage Procedure | Signed the Contract |
Tender Publication Date | 02-11-2023 |
Last date of Submitted Documents | 22-11-2023 |
Tender Held Date | 22-11-2023 |
No. of Bidders | 4 |
Bidders |
1. BOE AZM 2018 sh.p.k & EDICOM sh.p.k 2. A.91 sh.p.k 3. Aci Engineering sh.p.k 4. BOE CAUSHI M sh.p.k & KMK sh.p.k 5. SENKA sh.p.k |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
The winning bid ALL without vat | 73 777 707,00 |
Bidder Announcement date | 13-12-2023 |
Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT | 88533249 |
Contract date | 01-02-2024 |
Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date | 4 (katër) muaj nga hyrja ne fuqi e kontrates. |
Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT) | |
Appeals |
Jane skualifikuar operatoret ekonomike te meposhtem: 1. BOE AZM 2018 sh.p.k dhe EDICOM sh.p.k, per arsye: -Ne kontraten e bashkepunimit se AZM shpk merr persiper te kryej respektivisht 35 perqind te zerave te punimeve dhe EDICOM shpk 65 perqind, por ne oferten ekonomike AZM shpk rezulton me 13.22 perqind dhe EDICOM shpk me 86.78 perqind te totalit -AZM shpk nuk ploteson kriterin 2.3.2 te dst -EDICOM shpk nuk ploteson kriterin 2.3.8, pasi ka deklaruar vetem dy punonjes elektricist -EDICOM shpk nuk ploteson kriterin 2.3.9, pasi nuk ka deklaruar asnje punonjes -Nuk ka paraqitur grafikun e punimeve 2. A.91 sh.p.k, per arsye: -Nuk ka plotesuar deklaraten per Drejtuesin Teknik se nuk eshte i angazhuar ne kontrata te tjera - Nuk ka paraqitur informacion per 5 (pese) punonjes elektricist - Nuk ka paraqitur informacion per punonjesit manovratore te mjeteve te renda. -Nuk ka paraqitur autorizimet perkatese per mallrat 3. BOE CAUSHI M sh.p.k dhe KMK sh.p.k, per arsye: -Ne kontraten e bashkepunimit Caushi M shpk ksa marre persiper te kryej 18.17 perqind te zerave te punimeve sipas preventivave bashkelidhur ofertes ekonomike dhe KMK shpk 81.83 perqind, por ne oferten ekonomike preventivat Caushi M shpk rezulton me 18.17 perqind dhe KMK sh.p.k me 81.83 perqind te totalit. -Nuk ploteson kriterin 2.3.1 te dst per pervojen e meparshme -Nuk ka paraqitur grafikun e punimeve 4. Aci Engineering sh.p.k, per arsye: -Nuk permbush asnje nga kriteret e vendosura ne Dokumentat e tenderit |
Cancellation reason | |
Additions |
Njoftuar lidhja e kontrates ne Buletinin Nr. 6 datë 5 Shkurt 2024 Nuk ka paraqitur oferte ekonomike opertori ekonomik Aci Engineering sh.p.k |
Transaction / Actual Spending |
Public Announcement Bulletin |