Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Procuring Authority / Buyer Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
Public Health Institute of Tirana 27 187 1,041,514,207 143 877,098,461 622,118,324

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Minikontrata nr. 1 ne zbatim të Marrëveshjes Kuadër me titull: LOT 1 – “Blerje reagente për kryerjen e testimeve për Covid – 19” Signed the Contract KRIJON SHPK
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana LOT 2 – Blerje materiale konsumi mjekesore rutine për kryerjen e testimeve për Covid -19 9,261,664 Announced the Winner KRIJON SHPK 6,445,000.00
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Blerje kite dhe materiale të tjera për manipulim në biologjinë molekulare për kryerjen e testimeve për Covid-19 50,515,000 Announced the Winner Biometric Albania SHPK 47,770,000.00
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana LOT 1 – “Blerje reagente për kryerjen e testimeve për Covid – 19” 1,108,390 Announced the Winner KRIJON SHPK 641,000.00
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana LOT 2 – “Blerje materiale konsumi mjekesore rutine për kryerjen e testimeve për Covid -19 9,261,664 Cancelled Procurement
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana LOT 3 - “Blerje materiale konsumi ndihmese per sigurine dhe menaxhimin e mbetjeve infektive dhe sigurimin e transportit të mostrave të testimit Covid - 19, për nevojat e Sektorit/ laboratorit të ISHP-së” 3,714,083 Cancelled Procurement
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana LOT 1: Blerje reagente për kryerjen e testimeve për Covid – 19 1,108,390 Cancelled Procurement
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Sherbim me roje private - emergjence 2,288,014 Signed the Contract Nazeri 2000 SHPK 2,287,997.58
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Sherbim me roje private 6,864,035 Announced the Winner SNAJPER SECURITY  SHPK 6,863,992.76
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Blerje materiale dhe kite per kerkim dhe diagnostikim per laboratorin e Biologjise Molekulare, semundjeve infektive emergjente si dhe HIV, HEP, HPV, etj 8,159,500 Signed the Contract Biometric Albania SHPK 8,149,500.00
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefektura Fier. Signed the Contract NRG SHPK 74,010 leke per njesi.
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefektura Fier. Signed the Contract NRG SHPK 74,010 leke per njesi.
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana LotI 1: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefekturat Shkoder, Lezhe 9,943,883 Announced the Winner NRG SHPK 51,010.00 leke per njesi
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana blerje materiale pastrimi 109,300 Announced the Winner MURATI D SHPK 53,000.00
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Shperbim pastrim territori (largim mbeturinash dhe mbeturina laboratorike jo te demshme) te Institutit te Shendetit Publik 133,362 Announced the Winner Korsel SHPK 130,000.00
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana LOT 2 : Blerje material konsumi rutine. 2,293,237 Announced the Winner KRIJON SHPK 1,708,500.00
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana LOT 1 : Blerje reagente 908,675 Announced the Winner ALMEDICAL SHPK 761,398.00
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana LotI 4: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefektura Vlore 30,509,969 Announced the Winner NRG SHPK 74,010 leke per njesi.
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Lot IV : Blerje vaksine meningokoku AC WY 434,798 Announced the Winner IMI PHARMA SHPK 434,790.00
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Lot III : Blerje vaksine e etheve te verdha 66,892 Announced the Winner IMI PHARMA SHPK 66,890.00
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefektura Fier. Signed the Contract NRG SHPK 52,610 leke per njesi
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefekturat Tirane, Durres Signed the Contract NRG SHPK 50,410 leke per njesi
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefekturat Tirane, Durres Signed the Contract NRG SHPK 50,410 leke per njesi
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefekturat Tirane, Durres Signed the Contract NRG SHPK 50,410 leke per njesi
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefektura Fier. Signed the Contract NRG SHPK 52,610 leke per njesi
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Lot 2: Blerje material konsumi rutine 2,291,250 Cancelled Procurement
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Lot 1: Blerje reagente 896,108 Cancelled Procurement
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefekturat Tirane, Durres Signed the Contract NRG SHPK 50,410 leke per njesi
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefekturat Tirane, Durres Signed the Contract NRG SHPK 50,410 leke per njesi
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Kontrate ne baze te nje Marreveshje kuader: Sherbim dezinsektimi ne zonat bregdetare dhe urbane, Prefekturat Tirane, Durres Signed the Contract NRG SHPK 50,410 leke per njesi