Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
10 Kthella SHPK 44 1,680,056,694 44 1,680,056,694 1,386,774,152

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Mirditë Rikonstruksion i Rrugës fshati Jezull, njësia administrative Rrëshen, bashkia Mirditë 24,650,725 Announced the Winner Kthella SHPK 18,536,268.00
Local Unit Kamëz Ndërtim Rrugët "Margegaj”+ Rr.”Shishtavec”+ Rr.”Terthore”+Rr.”Topojan”+ Rr.”Shtiqen”+Rr.”Surroj”+ ” Rr. Paralel me Llugaj” 45,066,522 Announced the Winner Kthella SHPK 40,632,041.00
Local Unit Tiranë Rehabilitimi i infrastrukturës rrugore në njësinë Administrative nr.5 + 13+ Farkë 243,558,780 Announced the Winner Kthella SHPK 154,643,880.00
Local Unit Mirditë Blerje karburant nafte (diesel) per bashkine Mirdite 12,257,500 Announced the Winner Kthella SHPK 12,257,500.00
Local Unit Mirditë Blerje karburant per Agjencine Puneve Publike dhe Mirembajtjes, bashkia Mirdite 8,676,667 Announced the Winner Kthella SHPK 8,676,667.00
Local Unit Selenicë Permiresimi i Rruge Dhe Rrugicave Me Beton (Ne Bashkepunim Me Fshzh) 18,333,333 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 16,654,085.00
Local Unit Mat Përshtatje për ambjente frigoriferike dhe punime meremetimesh në tregun fruta-perime, Burrel 24,999,999 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 24,700,000.00
Local Unit Selenicë Permiresimi i banesave ekzistuese per komunitete e varfera te pafavorizuara 2023 25,869,318 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 25,055,246.00
Local Unit Tiranë Rikualifikim i bllokut që kufizohet nga rrugët “Liman Kaba”, “Prokop Mima”, “Robert Shvarc dhe “Skënder Luarasi 126,276,767 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 98,029,387.00
Local Unit Mirditë Rikonstruksion kanali ujitës Dushaj-Ashtë, fshati Malaj, Bashkia Mirditë 2,003,635 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 2,000,000.00
Local Unit Mirditë Blerje karburant,nafte per bashkine Mirdite 8,802,000 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK marzhi i fitimit 22.72%
Local Unit Kamëz Ndertim Rruga "Pekini", Rekjaviku, Policani + seg.paralel me Rr. Polican 35,248,746 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK
Local Unit Mirditë RIKONSTRUKSION ZYRA NJESIA ADMINISTRATIVE RUBIK, MIRDITE 5,479,927 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 5,136,985.00
Local Unit Mirditë Rehabilitim i kanalit ujites Fang, Mirdite. 5,310,224 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 5,136,654.00
Local Unit Tiranë Rehabilitimi i rrugeve te bllokut qe kufizohet nga rruget Leandro Zoto- Maria Kraja – Disha – Sadik Petrela 206,644,117 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 133,556,435.00
Local Unit Mirditë Blerje Gaz per gatim, bashkia Mirditë Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 246,000
Local Unit Kamëz Ndertim rruga Themistokli Germenji 10,657,071 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 10,313,332.00 
Local Unit Lezhë Sistemim ,asfaltim rruga e varrezave Pllane 7,770,805 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 7,383,395.00
Local Unit Kamëz Rikonstruksion rruga blloku Kamza 4 (kufizuar nga rruget Otavia, Meksika, paralel me Nazmi Kryeziun,vazhdim i Selanikut,Ankara,Selaniku) 19,403,780 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 18,651,885.00
Local Unit Kamëz Rikonstruksion rruge Blloku babrru Qender+Shpat 42,392,434 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 41,180,227.00
Local Unit Tiranë Sistemimi dhe rehabilitimi i Qendrës së Njësisë Administrative Zall Bastar 44,162,155 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 35,236,861.00
Local Unit Lezhë RIKONSTRUKSION I RRUGE MYLTE NJESIA ADMINISTRATIVE SHENKOLL 33,641,951 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 32,947,233.00
Local Unit Lezhë Rikonstruksion i kopshtit lagje "Gurra 15,657,044 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 15,149,187.00
Local Unit Lezhë Ndertim Ura Automobilistike,fshati Mabe Hd=16.2m , Hk=4m, G=5m 6,666,667 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 6,549,090.00
Local Unit Mirditë Ndertim i Kopeshtit te Femijeve qyteti Rreshen 52,200,497 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 48,167,294.00
Local Unit Kamëz Ndërtim rruga" Zanave" Lagje nr.1, Bathore 111,409,804 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 109,092,446.00
Local Unit Kamëz Rruga " Arras" & Rr.'Horizonti'' & Rruga " Kaltersia"( Vazhdimi & Rruga " Bulqiza" & Rruga " Segment Rruga Arberit 12,507,744 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 12,003,630.00
Local Unit Kurbin Rinovim trotuari në qytetin e Laçit 8,270,628 Signed the Contract Kthella SHPK 7,859,400.00
Local Unit Kolonjë Shtesë Kontrate: "Rikonstruksioni i shkollës 9-vjeçare Papa Kristo Negovani ”,Ersekë 8,682,489 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract Kthella SHPK 8,682,489.00

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