Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
5 RADIKA SHPK 32 139,086,433 32 139,086,433 111,470,541

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Bulqizë Sistemim-Asfaltim i disa rrugeve ne Nj.Adm.Shupenze. 20,391,858 Announced the Winner RADIKA SHPK 14,662,251.00
Local Unit Bulqizë ”Sistemim-Asfaltim i rruges se fshatit Dragu, Loti 1, Nj.Adm. Fushe Bulqize” 17,447,552 Announced the Winner RADIKA SHPK 12,697,771.00
Local Unit Bulqizë “Per marrjen e masave parandaluese dhe per nderhyrje urgjente per 3 banesat e shtetasve qe rrezikohen nga rreshqitja e tokes ne lagjen Mata , fshati Lejcan, njesia administrative Ostren .” 901,521 Announced the Winner RADIKA SHPK 900,000.00
Local Unit Mat Shërbime topografike 349,580 Announced the Winner RADIKA SHPK 349164.2
Local Unit Klos Park inovativ rekreacioni 3,403,497 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 2,919,120.00
Local Unit Dibër Sistemim i rruges Lushe,Bashkia Diber 2022 4,995,846 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 4,442,131.00
Local Unit Bulqizë Mirmbajtje Kanale Ujitese dhe Vaditese 2,262,500 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 2,048,030
Local Unit Dibër Rikonstruksion i godinave arsimore (kopshte, çerdhe, shkolla) ne Bashkine Diber. 5,338,058 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 3,733,603.00
Local Unit Mat Rikonstruksion i godinave në pronësi të NJVV për strehim social 10,699,137 Announced the Winner RADIKA SHPK 10,640,108.00
Local Unit Dibër Rehabilitimi i rrugës së fshatrave Hotesh,Lishan i Eperm,NJA Luzni,Bashkia Diber 2021 1,665,922 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 1,258,320.00
Local Unit Dibër Rikonstruksion i Sifonit ujites dalja e Rezervuarit Shumbat, 2019. 8,485,833 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 5,359,648
Local Unit Dibër Rikonstruksion i Sifonit ujites dalja e Rezervuarit Shumbat 8,485,833 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 5,359,648.00
Local Unit Klos Sherbime ne rruget e Bashkise Klos 6,610,099 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 5,706,745
Local Unit Klos Sherbime dhe mirembajtje kanaleve vaditese 2,676,666 Announced the Winner RADIKA SHPK 2,535,070.00
Local Unit Dibër Rikonstruksion i godinave ne pronesi te Njesive te Qeverisjes Vendore per Strehim Social, Bashkia Diber. 5,683,540 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 5,464,088.00
Local Unit Klos Ngarkim kamionash me materiale inerte Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 327,210.00
Local Unit Dibër Rikonstruksioni i varrezave publike Peshkopi 3,725,685 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 3,521,742
Local Unit Klos Hapje aksi rruge 750,000 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 600,000
Local Unit Bulqizë Punime rikonstruksioni dhe mirëmbatja e kanalit vaditës Zona D-Vajkal 2, Bashkia Bulqizë 4,583,332 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 4,532,713.00
Local Unit Dibër Rikonstruksion dhe mirëmbajtje të kanaleve vaditëse NJ.A. Maqellare, Melan, Muhur, Tomin të Bashkisë Dibër 6,463,338 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 6175520.83333333
Local Unit Dibër Rehabilitation of Shimcan village reservoir- Diber Municipality Budget 4,150,560 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 3,415,871.00
Local Unit Dibër Blerje kapak pusetash shiu gize 331,500 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 300,000.00
Local Unit Dibër Blerje bordura betoni per vend-qendrimin e kazanave te mbeturinave 332,450 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 300,000.00
Local Unit Dibër Blerje Sinjalistikes Vertikale 779,159 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 680,000.00
Local Unit Has Blerje dhe furnizim me gaz te lengshem per institucionet e varsise bashkise Has 93,600 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 115,000.00
Local Unit Dibër Rivitalizim Lulishtesh në Lagje 1,666,667 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 1,156,533.00
Local Unit Klos Construction of Mishter road axes - Financed from Klos Municipality Budget 2,499,840 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 2,097,743.00
Local Unit Klos Ndërtim strukture mbrojtese për këmbën dhe shpatullat e Urës së Degës 2,434,000 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 2401681.66666667
Local Unit Klos Reconstruction of One Stop Shop office 2,595,080 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 1,831,587.00
Local Unit Klos Blerje kripe dhe skorje 412,980 Signed the Contract RADIKA SHPK 370,000.00

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