Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
2 A G A -1 39 760,225,340 39 760,225,340 791,551,546

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Roskovec Blerje karburanti 1,258,269 Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner A G A -1 1,247,742.00
Local Unit Roskovec Karburant për Bashkin Roskovec 2,836,297 Signed the Contract A G A -1 2,799,411.00
Local Unit Roskovec Karburant për Ndërmarrjen e Mirëmbajtjes së Mjedisit 3,682,884 Signed the Contract A G A -1 3,672,153.00
Local Unit Roskovec Karburant për Ndërmarrjen e Pyjeve Ujitje-Kullimi dhe Mirmbajtje Rrugë e Varreza) 2,423,809 Signed the Contract A G A -1 2,409,656.00
Local Unit Roskovec Karburant për Ndërmarrjen e Shërbimeve Komunale 2,177,588 Signed the Contract A G A -1 2,162,587.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 2: Blerje benzine pa plumb 2,386,890 Signed the Contract A G A -1 2,344,386.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 1: Blerje gazoil deri në 10 ppm 91,969,150 Signed the Contract A G A -1 91,439,600.00
Local Unit Roskovec Minikontrata 1-“Karburant për (Bashkin Roskovec,Ndërmarrjen e Pastrim Gjelbërimit Mirëmbajtjes Varrezave dhe Ndërmarrjen e Shërbimeve të Mirmbajtjesë” Signed the Contract A G A -1 12,862,913.00
Local Unit Roskovec Minikontrate 2-“Karburant për (Bashkin Roskovec,Ndërmarrjen e Pastrim Gjelbërimit Mirëmbajtjes Varrezave dhe Ndërmarrjen e Shërbimeve të Mirmbajtjesë” Signed the Contract A G A -1 12,862,913.00
Local Unit Roskovec Minikontrate 3-“Karburant për (Bashkin Roskovec,Ndërmarrjen e Pastrim Gjelbërimit Mirëmbajtjes Varrezave dhe Ndërmarrjen e Shërbimeve të Mirmbajtjesë” Signed the Contract A G A -1 12,862,913.00
Local Unit Roskovec “Karburant për (Bashkin Roskovec,Ndërmarrjen e Pastrim Gjelbërimit Mirëmbajtjes Varrezave dhe Ndërmarrjen e Shërbimeve të Mirmbajtjesë” 13,127,939 Announced the Winner A G A -1 12,862,913.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 1: Blerje gazoil deri në 10 ppm 87,560,850 Signed the Contract A G A -1 87,560,703.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 2: Blerje benzinë pa plumb 3,240,470 Announced the Winner A G A -1 3,240,436.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 2 : Blerje benzine pa plumb 1,294,956 Signed the Contract A G A -1 1,231,866.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 1 : Blerje gazoil deri në 10 ppm 24,704,883 Signed the Contract A G A -1 22,578,926.00
Local Unit Roskovec Loti 1 “Karburant për mjetet e Bashkisë” 1,916,640 Signed the Contract A G A -1 1,899,630.00
Local Unit Roskovec “Karburant për mjetet e Bashkisë” 1,409,520 Signed the Contract A G A -1 1,401,328.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 2: Blerje benzine pa plumb 8,177,112 Signed the Contract A G A -1 8,171,280.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 1: Blerje gazoil deri në 10 ppm 151,812,936 Signed the Contract A G A -1 151,776,481.00
Local Unit Roskovec Loti 1 - “Karburant për mjetet e Bashkisë" 2,666,592 Signed the Contract A G A -1 2,274,717.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 2 Blerje Benzine pa plumb 4,758,666 Signed the Contract A G A -1 4,750,367.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 1 Blerje gazoil deri ne 10 ppm 94,537,350 Signed the Contract A G A -1 94,504,179.00
Local Unit Roskovec Karburant per Bashkine Roskovec 3,726,000 Signed the Contract A G A -1 3,725,705.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 2 : Blerje Benzine pa plumb 3,479,250 Signed the Contract A G A -1 3,475,500
Local Unit Fier Loti 1 :Blerje gazoil deri ne 10 ppm 81,150,418 Signed the Contract A G A -1 81,064,496.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 1: Blerje Gazoil deri ne 10 ppm 59,260,252 Signed the Contract A G A -1 59,230,719.00
Local Unit Fier Loti 2: Blerje Benzin pa plumb 1,992,748 Signed the Contract A G A -1 1,984,829.00
Local Unit Roskovec Loti 1 - Blerje karburanti per mjetet e administrates 2,799,660 Signed the Contract A G A -1 2,789,499
Local Unit Fier Shtesë kontrate: Loti 1 - “Blerje Gazoil deri ne 10 ppm” 822,109 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract A G A -1 822109.166666667
Local Unit Fier Shtesë kontrate: Loti 2 - “Blerje Benzine pa plumb” 274,527 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract A G A -1 274526.666666667

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