Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
9 KOMBEAS SHA 19 247,610,553 19 247,610,553 176,666,614

Tenders list

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Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Kamëz Ndërtim Blloku Paskuqan 1 që përfshin rrugët: ("Hoxha Tahsim + Hajredin Bylyshi + Dhori Qiriazi + Shen Ismaili + Nd.trotuare + Ndricim Rr. “Isa Boletini”). 37,937,408 Announced the Winner KOMBEAS SHA 28,622,598.00
Local Unit Vlorë Rikonstruksioni i kopshteve dhe shkollave (Rikonstruksioni i shkollës "Hasan Pulo", Orikum, rikonstruksion i kopshtit nr. 14, rikonstruksion i shkollës "Jani Minga", rikonstruksioni i tualeteve të shkollës "Ismail Qemali", "15 Tetori" dhe kopshtit Nr. 5) 23,345,255 Announced the Winner KOMBEAS SHA 16,788,564.00
Local Unit Shkodër Mirëmbajtje e rrethimeve të objekteve arsimore 4,999,985 Announced the Winner KOMBEAS SHA 3,545,615.00
Local Unit Kamëz Riparim palestre sportive të shkollës ”Halit Coka” 2,391,037 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 1,859,615.00
Local Unit Durrës Rikonstruksion ne Rruge ne Nja Rrashbull 8,280,660 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 5,661,000.00
Local Unit Vau i Dejës Ndertim pike grumbullimi per produkte bujqesore 28,748,411 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA K88103301J
Local Unit Vau i Dejës Rrethim i prones ne zk. 2015, me nr. Pas. 125/35, Kaçe 2,785,001 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 2,317,111.00
Local Unit Vau i Dejës Sistemim asfaltim rruga "Corrajve" 4,790,056 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 3,767,269.00
Local Unit Durrës “Rikonstruksion dhe shtesë qendra shëndetësore Spitallë”. 19,542,800 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 13,348,765.00
Local Unit Durrës “Riforcim godinë banimi rruga “Varoshi” nr.43, rruga “Kristo Sotiri” nr.55, rruga “Horizonti” nr.7, kod GIS 26082, 19070, 19056 (Programi i Rindertimit) 59,968,150 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 59,855,641.00
Local Unit Vau i Dejës Sistemim i sistemit vadites,njesia administrative Vau Dejes(punime te reja,te ngjashme,shtese) 1,732,458 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 1,720,441.00
Local Unit Vau i Dejës Sistemim i sistemit vadites, Njesia Administrative Vau Dejes 11,250,000 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 8,759,332.00
Local Unit Tiranë Ndërtimi i Trotuarëve në rrugët Kasem Shima dhe Skënderbe Mëzez Kodër. 8,333,333 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 4,855,022
Local Unit Mirditë Lyerje dhe mirembajtje e ambjetnteve shkollore dhe parashkollore ne Bashkine Mirdite 833,334 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 628,370.00
Local Unit Tiranë Rehabilitimi i rrjetit të kanaleve ujitës TRU-20, Kanali Arbanë (vazhdim) 12,205,798 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 7,927,679.00
Local Unit Kurbin Shtesë Kontrate: Hidroizolimi i taraces së Shkollës së Mesme Milot 218,303 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract KOMBEAS SHA
Local Unit Kurbin Hidroizolimi i taraces së Shkollës së Mesme Milot 1,666,664 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 1,097,000.00
Local Unit Kukës Reconstruction of the Social Center in Kukes - co-financing of Kukes Municipality & Helvetas Swiss Interco operation (HSI) - Decentralization and Local Development Programme (DLDP) 13,581,900 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 12,563,535.00
Local Unit Kurbin Cleaning with Excavator of watering and second drainage channels KK/14, KK/13, KK/12, KK/11, KK/1006, KK/1005, KK/1004, KK/1003, KK/1002, of the main drainage channel KK/1 - State Budget 5,000,000 Signed the Contract KOMBEAS SHA 3,349,057.00
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