Graphical display of results by searched conditions
institution | Total number of tenders |
Qeverisja Vendore Maliq | 1 |
Qeverisja Vendore Mat | 10 |
Qeverisja Vendore Mirditë | 1 |
Total number of tenders by municipalities
institution | Total contracting value (with vat) |
Qeverisja Vendore Maliq | |
Qeverisja Vendore Mat | 28,124,999 |
Qeverisja Vendore Mirditë | |
Total of auctions contracting value by municipalities
institution | The winning bid without vat | Difference betwwen limit fund and winning bid without vat |
Qeverisja Vendore Maliq | 243,000 | 57,000 |
Qeverisja Vendore Mat | 29,694,353 | 2,300,575 |
Qeverisja Vendore Mirditë | 5,234,540 | 192,127 |
Limit fund vs. Winning bid by searched conditions
Summary results by searched conditions
Tenderer institution no. |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
No. of announced tenders |
Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) |
No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) |
Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) |
Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
3 |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
12 |
37,721,595 |
12 |
37,721,595 |
35,171,893 |
Tenders list
Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity |
Tender object |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL |
Stage Procedure |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
Awarded value |
Local Unit Mirditë |
Blerje materiale ndertimi per sherbimet publike te Agjencise se Puneve Publike dhe Mirembajtjes |
5,426,667 |
Announced the Winner |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
5,234,540.00 |
Local Unit Mat |
Ndërtim i Çezmave Publike |
833,333 |
Signed the Contract |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
833,223.00 |
Local Unit Mat |
Blerje materiale e pajisje të ndryshme ndërtimi |
2,333,333 |
Signed the Contract |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
2,332,458.00 |
Local Unit Mat |
Blerje bazë materiale hidraulike dhe ndërtimi |
1,493,862 |
Signed the Contract |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
71016 leke per njesi |
Local Unit Mat |
Rehabilitim i linjes Ujesjellesit, Vepra e marrjes Vinjoll |
4,673,953 |
Announced the Winner |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
4,644,598.00 |
Local Unit Mat |
Ndertim Çezma publike |
1,300,000 |
Signed the Contract |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
1,298,750.00 |
Local Unit Mat |
Riparim dhe mirembajtje kanale vaditese |
7,375,435 |
Signed the Contract |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
7,334,050.00 |
Local Unit Mat |
MM Objekti Ndertimor Lyrje |
5,653,597 |
Signed the Contract |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
5,613,842.00 |
Local Unit Mat |
Mirembajtje kanale vaditese |
4,788,820 |
Signed the Contract |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
4,700,000.00 |
Local Unit Maliq |
Blerje materiale për rrethim depo |
300,000 |
Signed the Contract |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
243,000.00 |
Local Unit Mat |
Hidroizolime në Njësitë Administrative dhe shkollat në Bashkinë Mat |
3,169,395 |
Signed the Contract |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
2,564,746.00 |
Local Unit Mat |
Te tjera sherbime operative (pako per vitin e ri per nxenes te dalluar). |
373,200 |
Signed the Contract |
“ALIAJ-79” shpk |
301,670.00 |