Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
16 ” D-2020 & CO“ 42 36,683,371 41 35,465,388 49,229,468

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Cërrik Organizim eventesh ne bashkine Cerrik 4,114,500 Announced the Winner ” D-2020 & CO“ 3,667,000.00
Local Unit Cërrik F.V pjese kembimi per mjetet e bashkise Cerrik 2,970,320 Announced the Winner ” D-2020 & CO“ 2,755,250.00
Local Unit Cërrik Blerje materiale per sektorin e mirembajtjes 3,130,590 Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 2,728,500.00
Local Unit Cërrik “Organizim aktiviteti “Takim me familjen” Announced the Winner ” D-2020 & CO“ 769,000.00
Local Unit Cërrik Organizim i eventeve te Marsit Announced the Winner ” D-2020 & CO“ 869,000.00
Local Unit Cërrik Blerje materiale per sherbimet publike dhe sherbimet e brendshme te bashkise Cerrik 10,000,000 Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 8,826,500.00
Local Unit Kavajë Blerje hekur, cimento dhe materiale te tjera Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 719,000
Local Unit Cërrik Blerje materiale per fillim viti shkollor e te tjera materiale Announced the Winner ” D-2020 & CO“ 874,000.00
Local Unit Rrogozhinë Blerje fidane plepi dhe akacie per pyllezim Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 299,000
Local Unit Durrës Blerje vegla pastrimi Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 697,000
Local Unit Kolonjë Blerje vajra dhe lubrifikante per mjetet e Bashkise Kolonj per vitin 2022 Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 629,000
Local Unit Cërrik Organizim i eventeve per vitin 2022 per bashkine Cerrik Marrëveshje Kuadër me një operator ekonomik, ku të gjitha kushtet janë të përcaktuara – me afat 12 muaj 4,999,978 Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 4,777,800.00
Local Unit Belsh Marrje me qira nj autovetur n funksion t administrats s Bashkis Belsh Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 959,000
Local Unit Cërrik Organizimi eventi krijimi i qytetit te Cerrikut Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 219,000
Local Unit Shkodër Materiale ndertimi 1,217,983 Cancelled Procurement ” D-2020 & CO“ 1,035,250.00
Local Unit Gjirokastër Blerje mjeti Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 690,000
Local Unit Sarandë F.V KANGJELLA Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 820,000
Local Unit Tiranë Blerje grila pr ambjente t brendshme. Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 720,000
Local Unit Cërrik Blerje veshje e materiale per projektin Cash4Work Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 599,380
Local Unit Gramsh Goma per automjetet e Drejtorise se Mirembajtjes se Rrugeve Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 640,000
Local Unit Gramsh Goma per automjetet e Drejtorise se Mirembajtjes se Rrugeve Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 640,000
Local Unit Cërrik Blerje materiale per sektorin e mirembajtjes 8,000,000 Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 6,383,648.00
Local Unit Belsh Pajisje kompjuterike pr zyrat e Bashkis Belsh Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 620,000
Local Unit Belsh Pajisje kompjuterike pr zyrat e Bashkis Belsh Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 620,000
Local Unit Divjakë Blerje materiale ndertimi,Bashkia Divjake" Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 598,000
Local Unit Divjakë Blerje materiale ndertimi,Bashkia Divjake" Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 598,000
Local Unit Cërrik Aktivitete social - kulturore ne kushtet e covid - 19 Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 110,000
Local Unit Cërrik Aktivitete social - kulturore ne kushtet e covid - 19 Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 110,000
Local Unit Cërrik Blerje paisje ngrohese, elektroshtepiake dhe elektronike 1,000,000 Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 881,190.00
Local Unit Skrapar Blerje Vajra dhe Graso Signed the Contract ” D-2020 & CO“ 290,000

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