Graphical display of results by searched conditions
institution | Total number of tenders |
Qeverisja Vendore Sarandë | 1,023 |
Total number of tenders by municipalities
institution | Total contracting value (with vat) |
Qeverisja Vendore Sarandë | 3,251,258,384 |
Total of auctions contracting value by municipalities
institution | The winning bid without vat | Difference betwwen limit fund and winning bid without vat |
Qeverisja Vendore Sarandë | 3,883,142,086 | 454,777,493 |
Limit fund vs. Winning bid by searched conditions
Summary results by searched conditions
Procuring Authority / Buyer |
Economic operator no. |
No. of announced tenders |
Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) |
No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) |
Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) |
Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
Qeverisja Vendore Sarandë |
295 |
1,015 |
5,073,314,271 |
781 |
4,291,383,135 |
3,883,168,831 |
Tenders list
Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity |
Tender object |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL |
Stage Procedure |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
Awarded value |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje ushqime pr konviktin e shkolls s mesme profesionale "A.Athanas" | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje ushqime pr konviktin e shkolls s mesme profesionale "A.Athanas" | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
“Blerje karburanti per nevoja te Shoqerise” |
6,000,000 |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Loti 3 “Mirembajtje dhe riparim i gjeneratoreve” |
618,575 |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje ushqime pr konviktin e shkolls s mesme profesionale "A.Athanas" | |
Signed the Contract |
628,900 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje ushqime pr konviktin e shkolls s mesme profesionale "A.Athanas" | |
Signed the Contract |
628,900 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Perfundim rrjet kryesor K.U.Z SARANDE |
16,666,667 |
Announced the Winner |
16,500,132.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Signed the Contract |
367,000 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Signed the Contract |
367,000 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Shpenzime pr mirmbajtjen e automjeteve , Ndermarrja e Sherbimeve Publike Sarande | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Shrbimi i internetit pr kamerat e qytetit . | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Shpenzime pr mirmbajtjen e automjeteve , Ndermarrja e Sherbimeve Publike Sarande | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Shrbimi i internetit pr kamerat e qytetit . | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje materiale kancelarie | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje materiale kancelarie | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Permisimi i infrastruktures rrugore ne Lagjen Nr.1 dhe Lagjen Nr.4 |
5,977,588 |
Announced the Winner |
A.91 |
5,691,700.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
“Rehabilitimi i Stacionit te Pompimit te ujerave te ndotura, Sarande” |
1,994,602 |
Signed the Contract |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Shtrim i rruges "Idriz Alidhim nga Varrezat - Teqe, rruges mbi spital (prane depos se ujit) |
7,500,000 |
Announced the Winner |
Neal - 86 SHPK |
7,461,029.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje karrige |
3,000,000 |
Announced the Winner |
2,850,000.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Sistemim i rrugeve te brendeshme me asfaltobeton rr, Ismail Qemali Cabej, Adem Jashari, |
9,597,600 |
Announced the Winner |
2 T SHPK |
9,392,610.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Sistemim i rrugeve te brendeshme me asfaltobeton rr, kristal,Permeti, Papa Gjon Pali i II dhe riveshje gropash. |
10,976,200 |
Announced the Winner |
10,814,576.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
“Sistemim i rrugeve te brendeshme me asfaltobeton ne Ksamil(Rrhuga e Varrezave Parajsa,rr.Sherifi)” |
11,090,120 |
Announced the Winner |
10,841,000.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Sistemimi i bllokut të banesave në lagjen e Lugut të Dardhës |
4,166,666 |
Announced the Winner |
4,098,516.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Sistemim i rrugeve te brendeshme me asfaltobeton Rr.Gjergj Fishta , Naim Frasheri, Amantia, Kristoforidhi |
8,560,800 |
Announced the Winner |
8,530,800.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Siguracion (nje vjecar prill 2021- prill 2022 te mjeteve te Ndermarrjes se Sherbimeve | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Siguracion (nje vjecar prill 2021- prill 2022 te mjeteve te Ndermarrjes se Sherbimeve | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
MBIKQYRJE per objektin : Ndertim i sistemit te kanalizimeve te ujrave te ndotura rrjeti tercial te Ksamilit |
1,642,205 |
Signed the Contract |
HE & SK 11 11 |
1,448,082.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Furnizim vendosje + testim i cekic hidraulik per mjetin Volvo BL61 |
1,365,333 |
Cancelled Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje pajisje Termoreaktori, qarkun e nxehtesise te Termoreaktorit ekzistues dhe qarkun e operimit te furres se tharjes. | |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje pajisje Termoreaktori, qarkun e nxehtesise te Termoreaktorit ekzistues dhe qarkun e operimit te furres se tharjes. | |
Announced Procurement |