Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
24 BREGU COMPANY 81 23,220,310 79 21,720,147 34,073,690

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Librazhd Blerje vegla pune Announced the Winner BREGU COMPANY 277,000.00
Local Unit Elbasan F.V minikosha per mbetjet urbane 1,240,000 Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 1,103,600.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje paisje kompjuterike vidioprojektor ,kondicioner Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 419,000
Local Unit Vlorë Pastrimi Blerje uniforma Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 159,000
Local Unit Fier Blerje Kunete me pllake betoni Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 452,000
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje Goma Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 139,000
Local Unit Roskovec "Ujë i pishëm dhe KUZ(Blerje material për funizimin me ujë në lagjen Shushenjëve në fshatin Luar) Announced the Winner BREGU COMPANY 170,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje Motopompa per Makinat e Zjarrfikses Announced the Winner BREGU COMPANY 409,000.00
Local Unit Lushnje “Furnizim-Vendosje per automjetet e Sherbimit Zjarrfikes Lushnje ” Announced the Winner BREGU COMPANY 209,000.00
Local Unit Divjakë Blerje materiale ndertimi per nevojat e Drejtorise se Bujqesise,Sektorit ujitje-kullim,Bashkia Divjake. Announced the Winner BREGU COMPANY 479,000.00
Local Unit Divjakë Blerje rimorkiator per mjetet e renda per nevojat e Drejtorise se Bujqesise, Bashkia Divjake Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 759,000
Local Unit Tepelenë Blerje stola per parqe e lulishte Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 148,000
Local Unit Lushnje Blerje materiale ndertimi per nevojat e Institucionin te QKKS Lushnje Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 120,000
Local Unit Patos Blerje pjese kembimi per automjetet dhe sherbime te ndryshme. Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 75,000
Local Unit Patos Blerje pjese kembimi per automjetet dhe sherbime te ndryshme. Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 75,000
Local Unit Mallakastër Furnizim dhe vendosje goma per automjetet FORD RANGER dhe TOYOTA RAV 4 Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 189,000
Local Unit Fier Blerje Veshje Pune Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 679,000
Local Unit Fier Blerje Veshje Pune Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 679,000
Local Unit Fier Blerje: Materiale Inerte,Rere e lare dhe Granil Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 709,000
Local Unit Fier Blerje: Materiale Inerte,Rere e lare dhe Granil Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 709,000
Local Unit Tiranë Blerje materiale mekanike Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 719,000
Local Unit Tiranë Blerje materiale mekanike Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 719,000
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje Materiale Ndertimore Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 409,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje Materiale Ndertimore Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 409,000
Local Unit Patos Blerje pjesë këmbimi për automjete për shoqërinë sh.a Ujesjellës Kanalizime Patos 800,221 Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 719,500.00
Local Unit Patos BLERJE VEGLA PUNE Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 119,000.00
Local Unit Patos BLERJE VEGLA PUNE Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 119,000
Local Unit Përmet Blerje dhe montim Kaldaje me Dru pr shkolln 9-vjeare Meleq Gosnishti Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 588,000.00
Local Unit Përmet Blerje dhe montim Kaldaje me Dru pr shkolln 9-vjeare Meleq Gosnishti Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 588,000
Local Unit Kuçovë T tjera materiale dhe shrbime speciale (rroba pune) Signed the Contract BREGU COMPANY 59,000.00

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