Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
37 MURATI D 135 290,591,640 130 276,951,513 222,436,909

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Kamëz Blerje mjete parandaluese për përhapjen e Covid 19 në maturat shtetërore Signed the Contract MURATI D 144000.00
Local Unit Bulqizë Blerje materiale higjenike për nevojat e Bashkisë Bulqizë Signed the Contract MURATI D 276000.00
Local Unit Lushnje Blerje materiale per riparimin e ndertesave arsimore te demtuara nga termeti i dates 26 nentor 2019 1,415,970 Signed the Contract MURATI D 1,294,680.00
Local Unit Mallakastër Blerje materiale per mirembajtje trotuare dhe sheshe 2,500,000 Signed the Contract MURATI D 2,178,975.00
Local Unit Fier Blerje materiale inventari ekonomik per konviktet, kopshtet e çerdhet 5,674,400 Signed the Contract MURATI D 4,788,000.00
Local Unit Fier Blerje e matesave te ujit dhe pajisjeve per montimin e tyre per nevoja te UK sh.a Fier. 7,996,500 Signed the Contract MURATI D 5,794,500.00 
Local Unit Tiranë Blerje materiale Ndertimi dhe Marangozerie 4,333,252 Signed the Contract MURATI D 3,594,720.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje detergjente per vitin 2019 4,299,000 Signed the Contract MURATI D 3,975,000.00 
Local Unit Fier Blerje materiale pastrimi dhe detergjente. 4,574,467 Signed the Contract MURATI D 3,465,850.00
Local Unit Tiranë Blerje materiale Elektrike Hidraulike 5,500,000 Announced the Winner MURATI D 4,889,720.00
Local Unit Elbasan Blerje materiale pastrimi dhe detergjente 2,930,450 Announced the Winner MURATI D 1249 lekë / njesi .
Local Unit Lushnje Blerje materiale për mobilimin e çerdhes se re 1,941,850 Announced the Winner MURATI D 1,582,217.00
Local Unit Fier Blerje soba per ngrohje me dru 7,560,000 Signed the Contract MURATI D 6,840,000.00
Local Unit Lushnje Blerje materialesh per rrethimin e fushave te sportit ne territorin e Bashkise Lushnje 3,333,259 Announced the Winner MURATI D 2,693,960
Local Unit Fier Blerje soba per ngrohje me dru 2,016,000 Signed the Contract MURATI D 1,896,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje detergjentë për vitin 2018 4,345,500 Signed the Contract MURATI D 4,084,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Blerje materjale objekti:"Ndertim KUZ Roskovec " 4,136,622 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract MURATI D 3,594,315.00
Local Unit Roskovec Blerje materiale objekti: "Ndërtim KUZ Lagja Dulleshe & Ure " 2,573,015 Signed the Contract MURATI D 2,254,945.00
Local Unit Durrës Blerje Rroba Pune 2,400,000 Signed the Contract MURATI D 1,709,250.00
Local Unit Roskovec Blerje materiale për ndriçimin rrugor 1,809,780 Signed the Contract MURATI D 1,302,700.00
Local Unit Tiranë Blerje materiale për dizenfektim dhe pastrim 1,233,227 Announced the Winner MURATI D 627,385.00
Local Unit Shkodër Blerje materiale pastrimi 1,166,510 Signed the Contract MURATI D 907,970.00
Local Unit Vlorë blerje mjete pastrimi 800,000 Signed the Contract MURATI D 285,000.00
Local Unit Devoll Klor i lengshem 332,000 Signed the Contract MURATI D 275,000
Local Unit Tiranë Loti II, Baze e Bute 2,416,000 Signed the Contract MURATI D 1,578,000.00
Local Unit Tiranë Loti I, Baze e Forte 5,976,000 Signed the Contract MURATI D 4,278,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec Blerje materiale per investime ne rrjetin e brendshem te ujesjellesave te Bashkise Roskovec 8,700,734 Signed the Contract MURATI D 6,820,110.00
Local Unit Berat Blerje materiale elektrike 1,915,600 Signed the Contract MURATI D 1,334,700.00
Local Unit Dibër Blerje ene guzhine per nevojat e kopeshteve dhe cerdheve te Bashkise Diber. 333,020 Signed the Contract MURATI D 315,000
Local Unit Fier Blerje materiale inventari imet per konviktet, kopeshtet e çerdhet 3,274,780 Signed the Contract MURATI D 2,862,960.00

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