Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
9 ANDI HAMO 96 195,985,003 95 195,885,003 194,916,685

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Vlorë Riparime te mjeteve te Zjarrfikses Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 375,000
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi i mjetit tip Hynadai te INUV Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 370,000
Local Unit Vlorë Riparime Mjete te policise bashkiake Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 148,500
Local Unit Vlorë Pjese kembimi per automjete Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 295,000
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi i mjeteve AA355 DV , AA 810 JX , mjeti i zjarrfikses Iveco 145.17 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 300,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi i makinave te policise Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 115,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Riparime mjete hyndai dhe kamjoncina Kama te Njesise Novosele Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 145,500.00
Local Unit Selenicë Blerje dhe vendosje pjes kembimi automjetesh SH.A. Ujesjelles Selenice Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 230,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Furnizim vendosje të pjesëve të këmbimit dhe riparim shërbimi të mjeteve motorike. 17,905,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 17,689,508.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje vaji 20-50 per Parkun e Udhetareve Vlore 130 litra 31,460 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 28,900.00
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi i mjetit Hyndai Vl 9369 C 98,600 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 89,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje vajra dhe materiale konsumi për automjetet 1,288,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 999,570.00
Local Unit Vlorë Pjesë Këmbimi, Goma, Bateri 833,333 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 800,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Riparime makina Hyndai 500,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 425,000
Local Unit Skrapar Blerje goma 666,667 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 495,000
Local Unit Vlorë Riparim mjeti tip Citroen Berligo i Q,Ekonomike 99,500 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 65,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Vaj ,Graso per Eksavatoret dhe Hidrovorin 119,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 97,500
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi i mjeteve te inspektoriatit ndertimor tip Hyndai 227,500 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 205,000
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi i mjetit VL 5990 C Njesia Qender 158,500 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 125,000
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi i makinave Hyndai te Policise Bashkiake 136,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 105,000
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi i makinave te Zjarrfikses 142,100 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 115,000
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi i mjetit tip Citroen AA 355 DV 74,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 68,000
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi i automjeteve  te policise bshkiake 141,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 98,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Riparim makine te njesise administrative QENDER 69,500 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 59,500.00
Local Unit Vlorë Riparim Kamion IVEKO 267,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 235,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje vaj 20x50 per Parkun e Udhetareve Vlore sasia 200 litra 56,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 44,800.00
Local Unit Vlorë Supply , placement of spare parts and repair services for motor vehicles of water Supply and Sewerage JSC in Vlora 13,730,000 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 13,009,540.00
Local Unit Vlorë Riparime makina Nisan (kamjoncine) , Citroen ,Ford 185,200 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 145,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Riparimi I makines foristrade HYNDAI VL 5990C 210,900 Signed the Contract ANDI HAMO 155,000.00

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