Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
40 Selvije Abasllari 286 49,751,639 268 45,661,503 96,449,380

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Gramsh Blerje materiale ndertimi per nevojat e Ujesjelles Gramshsh.a Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 207,800
Local Unit Kuçovë Pjesë këmbimi goma dhe bateri Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 98,900
Local Unit Maliq Blerje materiale dhe vegla pune Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 158,000
Local Unit Durrës Blerje vajra lubrifikant Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 738,900
Local Unit Divjakë Larje makinash dhe kosha plastike. Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 154,000
Local Unit Korçë Pleh organik Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 197,000
Local Unit Patos Blerje Peme Dekorative Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 744,800
Local Unit Elbasan Blerje pajisje te ndryshme zyre etj... Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 128,900
Local Unit Korçë Materiale Elektrike Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 198,800
Local Unit Tiranë Blerje pjese kembimi per kaldajat Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 389,800.00
Local Unit Krujë Blerje makineri e pajisje pune per Drejtorine e Sherbimeve Publike Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 219,800.00
Local Unit Fier Blerje instrumenta profesionale pune e makineri. Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 158,900.00
Local Unit Prrenjas Blerje stufa Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 148,800.00
Local Unit Maliq Shpenzime për aktivitete(fishekzjarrë) Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 96,400.00
Local Unit Malësi e Madhe Vegla per punonjesit e Sherbimeve Publike Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 237,800.00
Local Unit Krujë Blerje kosha pastrimi per Bashkine Kruje Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 767,800.00
Local Unit Krujë Blerje e shperndarje betoni Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 738,900.00
Local Unit Bulqizë Blerje esencë antifrize 100% për kaldajat e kopshtit dhe shkollave, Bashkia Bulqizë Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 118,900.00
Local Unit Berat Blerje pajisje speciale per nevojat e MZSH-se Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 291,100.00
Local Unit Korçë Blerje artikujsh ushqimore Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 158,900.00
Local Unit Korçë Lule dekorative Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 389,800.00
Local Unit Korçë Pleh organik Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 128,700.00
Local Unit Gramsh Blerje materiale ndertimi per nevojat e shoqerise Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 357,800.00
Local Unit Divjakë Blerje kostume popullore per Bashkine Divjake Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 289,800.00
Local Unit Lushnje Blerje materiale per ndertimin e ures ne Fshatin Rrupaj, Njesia Administrative Krutje Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 238,900.00
Local Unit Korçë Kaldaje per ngrohje Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 276,000.00
Local Unit Elbasan blerje materiale sportive Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 82,000.00
Local Unit Elbasan Blerje materiale sportive Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 79,800.00
Local Unit Lushnje BLERJE ASFALTO BETONI ,PRAJMER Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 353,900.00
Local Unit Korçë Blerje goma per ekskavator Signed the Contract Selvije Abasllari 72,900.00

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