Open Procurement Albania

Blerje Pllake Trotuari

Procuring Authority / Buyer Local Unit Lushnje
Procuring Authority / Buyer Ndermarrja e Pasurive Publike Lushnje
Tender object Blerje Pllake Trotuari
Reference No. REF-05739-01-30-2019
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT 4 166 667,00
Type of Contract
Procurement Method Request for Proposal
Stage Procedure Signed the Contract
Tender Publication Date 31-01-2019
Last date of Submitted Documents 11-02-2019
Tender Held Date 11-02-2019
No. of Bidders 5
Bidders BACI-EL 2003
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider
  • BAÇI - EL 2003 SH.P.K
  • The winning bid ALL without vat 3 693 600,00
    Bidder Announcement date 23-04-2019
    Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT 4432320
    Contract date 25-04-2019
    Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date 31-12-2019
    Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT)
    Appeals Nuk ka pasur ankesa.
    Janë skualifikuar ofertuesit e mëposhtëm:

    1. “MURATI D “ shpk :
    - Dokumentat e operatorit nuk jane ne perputhje me piken 2. Kritere te vecanta te kualifikimit, pika 2.3 Per kapacitetin teknik.
    - Furnizime te ngjajshme ne faturat e shitjes nuk ka te shenuar mall blerje pllaka trotuari sic eshte e pershkruar ne objektin e prokurimit.
    Cancellation reason
    Transaction / Actual Spending
  • Public Announcement Bulletin
    Announcement of Procurement
    Standard Tender Documents
    Bidder Announcement
    Signing of the Contract Nr.18 - Dt.06-05-2019

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