Open Procurement Albania

Rehabilitim i Kanaleve Ujitese dhe Kulluese

A Red Flag is a fact, event, or set of circumstances, or other information that may indicate a potential legal compliance concern for illegal or unethical business conduct, particularly with regard to corrupt practices and non-compliance with anti-corruption laws.

  • Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner/ Disqualification of the lowest value bid
  • Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner/ Disqualification of the lowest value bid

Procuring Authority / Buyer Local Unit Kukës
Procuring Authority / Buyer Bashkia Kukes
Tender object Rehabilitim i Kanaleve Ujitese dhe Kulluese
Reference No. REF-15785-03-28-2019
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT 1 666 666,00
Type of Contract
Procurement Method Request for Proposal
Stage Procedure Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract
Tender Publication Date 29-03-2019
Last date of Submitted Documents 11-04-2019
Tender Held Date 11-04-2019
No. of Bidders 2
Bidders Bonus
Pepa Group& Grand Grupi
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider
  • The winning bid ALL without vat 1 438 181,00
    Bidder Announcement date 10-05-2019
    Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT 1725818
    Contract date 22-05-2019
    Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date 45 ditë
    Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT)
    Appeals Nuk ka pasur ankesa.
    Eshte skualifikuar ofertuesi i mëposhtëm:

    1. Operatori ekonomik ”Bonus ” Shpk:
    a) Operatori ekonomik ka paraqitur nje kontrate e cila nuk eshte ne forme noteriale e nenshkruar me nje subjekt tjeter ekonomik .
    b) Subjekti nuk ka paraqitur dokumentin e lejes se ndertimit dhe shfrytezimit te leshuar nga Njesia Vendore perkatese.
    c) Subjekti nuk ka paraqitur aktin e kolaudimit per objektin:Rehabilitimin e seksionit I te skemes vaditese Terbuf- Lushnje.
    Sheshi "Skënderbej", Kukës, Lagja 5, Kodi Postar: 8500, Telefon: (024) 225-110, Web:, E-mail: [email protected] d) Subjekti nuk ploteson kriterin per disponimin e mjeteve eskavator me goma sipas sasise se percaktuar ne DST(2 cope).
    Cancellation reason
    Transaction / Actual Spending
  • Public Announcement Bulletin
    Announcement of Procurement
    Standard Tender Documents
    Bidder Announcement
    Signing of the Contract Nr.21 - Dt.27-05-2019


    Procuring Authority / Buyer Local Unit Kukës
    Procuring Authority / Buyer Bashkia Kukes
    Reference No. REF-11226-02-28-2019
    Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT 1 666 666,00
    Type of Contract
    Procurement Method Request for Proposal
    Stage Procedure Cancelled Procurement
    Tender Publication Date 01-03-2019
    Last date of Submitted Documents 15-03-2019
    Tender Held Date 15-03-2019
    No. of Bidders
    Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider
  • The winning bid ALL without vat
    Bidder Announcement date
    Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT
    Contract date
    Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date 45 ditë
    Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT)
    Cancellation reason Asnjë nga ofertat e paraqitura nuk përputhet me kriteret e përcaktuara në dokumentet e tenderit.
    Transaction / Actual Spending
  • Public Announcement Bulletin
    Announcement of Procurement
    Standard Tender Documents
    Bidder Announcement
    Signing of the Contract
    Cancellation of Procurement Nr.13 - Dt.01-04-2019

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