Open Procurement Albania

Furnizim vendosje me shtrese stabilizanti dhe Asfalt Betoni per nevojat e Sh.A UK Vlore

A Red Flag is a fact, event, or set of circumstances, or other information that may indicate a potential legal compliance concern for illegal or unethical business conduct, particularly with regard to corrupt practices and non-compliance with anti-corruption laws.

  • Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner/ Disqualification of the lowest value bid
  • Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner/ Disqualification of the lowest value bid

Procuring Authority / Buyer Local Unit Vlorë
Procuring Authority / Buyer Sh.A Ujesjelles Kanalizime Vlore
Tender object Furnizim vendosje me shtrese stabilizanti dhe Asfalt Betoni per nevojat e Sh.A UK Vlore
Reference No. REF-21390-05-10-2019
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT 2 146 300,00
Type of Contract
Procurement Method Request for Proposal
Stage Procedure Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner
Tender Publication Date 13-05-2019
Last date of Submitted Documents 24-05-2019
Tender Held Date 24-05-2019
No. of Bidders 2
Bidders ASI-2A CO
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider
  • ASI-2A CO
  • The winning bid ALL without vat 2 100 000,00
    Bidder Announcement date 21-06-2019
    Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT
    Contract date
    Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date 12 muaj
    Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT)
    Appeals Nuk ka ankesa.
    Janë skualifikuar ofertuesit e mëposhtëm:

    1. “SARK” shpk:
    Per shkak te mangesise ne dokumentacionin e kerkuar ne DST.
    1 -Kritere te vecanta te kualifikimit 2/f
    Eshte paraqitur vertetim per shlyerje detyrime energjie nga O.E. ''SARK ''' Vertetimi date 27/04/2019 ku vertetohet shlyerjen edhe muaji Mars.Mungon shlyerja per Muajin Prill.
    2-Seksioni 2.3 Kapaciteti teknik,pika 4, Operatori ekonomik deklaron punonjes manovrator te mjeteve te renda gjithsej 4,por paraqet -kontrata pune dy prej tyre te cilet figurojne ne liste pagesa ( janar -mars 2019) me sigurim te pjesshem ( nga 5 -13 dite /muaj )
    3-Seksioni 2.3 Kapaciteti teknik,pika 6,Operatori ekonomik per mjetet;
    -Mjetet:Rul me vibrim,Rul kompresor,Asfalto-shtrues.eshte paraqitur kontrat qeraje,fature tatimore dhe asnje dokument individual per mjetet .
    -AA455GJ eshte paraqitur me certif.pronesie subjekti BBF dhe kontrate qeraje nr,594 Z.Bardhyl Kalivacin.
    - AA673TY eshte paraqitur certif.transporti per tjeter mjet, targe AA 471 MJ
    -AA461NI eshte paraqitur me certif.pronesie Bledar Memushi dhe certif.transporti te mjetit ne perdorim te personit Zamir Memushi.
    Cancellation reason
    Transaction / Actual Spending
  • Monitor treasury transaction for ASI-2A CO viti 2012-2013
    Monitor treasury transaction for ASI-2A CO viti 2014
    Monitor treasury transaction for ASI-2A CO viti 2015-2018
    Monitor treasury transaction for ASI-2A CO viti 2019-2020
  • Public Announcement Bulletin
    Announcement of Procurement
    Standard Tender Documents
    Bidder Announcement
    Signing of the Contract

    Furnizim vendosje me shtrese stabilizanti dhe Asfalt Betoni per nevoja te Sh.A UK Vlore

    Procuring Authority / Buyer Local Unit Vlorë
    Procuring Authority / Buyer Sh.A Ujesjelles Kanalizime Vlore
    Tender object Furnizim vendosje me shtrese stabilizanti dhe Asfalt Betoni per nevoja te Sh.A UK Vlore
    Reference No. REF-19585-04-25-2019
    Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT 2 146 300,00
    Type of Contract
    Procurement Method Request for Proposal
    Stage Procedure Cancelled Procurement
    Tender Publication Date 26-04-2019
    Last date of Submitted Documents 08-05-2019
    Tender Held Date 08-05-2019
    No. of Bidders
    Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider
  • The winning bid ALL without vat
    Bidder Announcement date
    Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT
    Contract date
    Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date 12 muaj
    Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT)
    Cancellation reason Nuk është paraqitur asnjë ofertë brenda afateve kohore.
    Transaction / Actual Spending
  • Public Announcement Bulletin
    Announcement of Procurement
    Standard Tender Documents
    Bidder Announcement
    Signing of the Contract
    Cancellation of Procurement Nr.19 - Dt.13-05-2019

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    Except when otherwise defined, all data & information offered in Open Procurement Albania is available under the licenses: This material is Open Data