Open Procurement Albania

Ndertim Rruget "Dyseldorf+Bujari+Prishtina+Rruga pingul me Europeni+Dea+Rruga te Colis+ Hiresia"

A Red Flag is a fact, event, or set of circumstances, or other information that may indicate a potential legal compliance concern for illegal or unethical business conduct, particularly with regard to corrupt practices and non-compliance with anti-corruption laws.

  • Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner/ Disqualification of the lowest value bid
  • Disqualification of all competitive operators except the winner/ Disqualification of the lowest value bid

Procuring Authority / Buyer Local Unit Kamëz
Procuring Authority / Buyer Bashkia Kamez
Tender object Ndertim Rruget "Dyseldorf+Bujari+Prishtina+Rruga pingul me Europeni+Dea+Rruga te Colis+ Hiresia"

Burimi i financimit: Buxheti i Bashkise
Reference No. REF-83294-10-11-2023
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT 64 229 179,00
Type of Contract
Procurement Method Open Procedure
Stage Procedure Signed the Contract
Tender Publication Date 12-10-2023
Last date of Submitted Documents 27-10-2023
Tender Held Date 27-10-2023
No. of Bidders 15
Bidders 1. ASI-2A CO shpk & VARAKU E shpk
2. Company RIVIERA 2008
4. NDERTIMI shpk
6. Leon Konstruksion shpk
7. EVEREST shpk
8. Shendelli
10. BE-IS shpk
11. MELA shpk
12. 2 N shpk
13. DAJTI PARK 2007 shpk
14. A.L-ASFALT shpk
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider
  • ASI-2A CO shpk - VARAKU E shpk
  • The winning bid ALL without vat 47 859 890,00
    Bidder Announcement date 08-11-2023
    Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT 57431868
    Contract date 04-12-2023
    Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date 150(njëqind e pesëdhjetë) ditë pune
    Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT)
    Appeals Nuk ka pasur ankesa.

    Jane skualifikuar operatoret ekonomike te meposhtem:
    1.Shendelli, per arsye:
    -Nuk ka paraqitur sigurimin e ofertes

    2. L.T.E.CONSTRUCTION shpk, per arsye:
    -Ka deklaruar 1 murator nderkohe qe ne DST kerkohen 2
    -Ka deklaruar 2 automakinist nderkohe qe ne DST kerkohen 3
    -Ka deklaruar 2 karpentier nderkohe qe ne DST kerkohen 3
    -Nuk ka deklaruar asnje specialist per punime ne rruge dhe asfaltim
    -Ka deklaruar Grejderin pa targa
    -Nuk ka deklaruar Rrul cylinder gome deri ne 9 tone
    -Nuk posedon zyren e kantierit

    3. BE-IS shpk, per arsye:
    -Nuk posedon mjetin tip rimorkiator per transportin e mjeteve te renda me kapacitet mbi 20 Ton 4. MELA shpk, per arsye:
    -Nuk ka deklaruar se disponon 3 specialist karpentier
    -Ka deklaruar se specialistet e kerkuar jane certifikuar nga Shoqeria RE/BORN, e cila rezulton se nuk eshte e akredituar

    5. 2 N shpk, per arsye:
    -Nuk ka deklaruar se posedon Rrul gome hekur mbi 15 Ton
    -Nuk ka deklaruar se posedon Rrul cylinder-gome deri e 9 Ton

    6. DAJTI PARK 2007 shpk, per arsye:
    -Ka deklaruar se posedon Gejderi pa targa
    -Ka deklaruar se posedon nje Eskavator me goma
    -Nuk ka deklaruar se posedon Mungon Rrul cylinder cilinder deri ne 3 Ton
    -Nuk ka deklaruar se posedon Mungon Rrul cylinder gome deri ne 9 Ton
    -Nuk ka deklaruar se posedon Mungon Rrul cylinder cilinder deri ne 9 Ton
    - Ka deklaruar vetem 1 pllakashtrues

    7. A.L ASFALT shpk, per arsye:
    -Nuk ka deklaruar se posedon Rrul cylinder cylinder deri ne 3 Ton
    -Nuk ka deklaruar se posedon Rrul cylinder gome deri ne 9 Ton
    -Nuk ka deklaruar se posedon Prozhektor Ndricimi

    8. ALMO KONSTRUKSION, per arsye:
    -Nuk ka paraqitur sigurimin e ofertes
    Cancellation reason
    Transaction / Actual Spending
  • Monitor treasury transaction for ASI-2A CO shpk viti 2012-2013
    Monitor treasury transaction for ASI-2A CO shpk viti 2014
    Monitor treasury transaction for ASI-2A CO shpk viti 2015-2018
    Monitor treasury transaction for ASI-2A CO shpk viti 2019-2020

    Monitor treasury transaction for VARAKU E shpk viti 2012-2013
    Monitor treasury transaction for VARAKU E shpk viti 2014
    Monitor treasury transaction for VARAKU E shpk viti 2015-2018
    Monitor treasury transaction for VARAKU E shpk viti 2019-2020
  • Public Announcement Bulletin
    Announcement of Procurement
    Standard Tender Documents
    Technical Specification
    Constructive Report
    Bidder Announcement
    Signing of the Contract Buletini Nr. 100 datë 11 Dhjetor 2023
    Procesverbal "Per argumentimin dhe miratimin e specifikimeve teknike dhe kritereve per kualifikim"

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    Except when otherwise defined, all data & information offered in Open Procurement Albania is available under the licenses: This material is Open Data