Tenderer institution no. | Economic operator no. | No. of announced tenders | Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) | No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) | Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
5 | 235 | 502 | 171,022,417,712 | 287 | 146,985,514,051 | 134,288,113,042 |
Procuring Authority | Tender object | Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL | Stage Procedure | Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider | Awarded value |
Albanian Road Authority | Shpenzime Supervizion i Kontratave të Mirembajtjes së Rrugëve Rajoni Jugor Gjirokastër | 28,874,275 | Signed the Contract | 47 EK 79 & ILIRIADA P.K.S - HE & SK 11 | 28,784,000.00 |
Gjirokastra South Region Directorate | Sherbim Roje Civile Sektori Korce” | 3,124,428 | Signed the Contract | ERNISA-S SHPK | 2,915,926.45 |
Gjirokastra South Region Directorate | Mirembajtje Rutine e Dimerore me Performance rruga K/Zemblak-K/Liqenas + rruga K/Liqenas-Dogana Gorice + rruga Libonil-Rembec-Plase + rruga Bilisht-Baban-Hocisht 55.6 km | 42,809,584 | Signed the Contract | Artyka II SHPK & Vashtemia | 40,660,174.00 |
Gjirokastra South Region Directorate | Mirembajtje Rutine e Dimerore me Performance rruga Korce – Erseke + rruga Unaza Erseke – Erseke + rruga K/Boboshtice – Dardhe 55 km | 43,083,920 | Signed the Contract | Niem SHPK & Avdolli SHPK | 42,170,000.00 |
Shkodra North Region Directorate | Sherbim me roje civile. - LOTI II: Objekti“Sherbim me roje civile Zyrat e Sektorit Kukes dhe Skrapin ne Trull Surroi (Kukes). | 6,124,789 | Signed the Contract | TREZHNJEVA | 5,831,852.9 |
Albanian Road Authority | Permiresimi rifreskimi sinjalist ikes Vertikale/Horizontale ne akset Kombetare dhe permiresim te sigurise rrugore ne akset e rajonit verior, loti 1 | 208,163,877 | Signed the Contract | JUBICA. SHPK | 205,000,002.00 |
Albanian Road Authority | Supervizion by pass Tepelene, loti 1 | 20,182,080 | Signed the Contract | A V E CONSULTING | 19,980,000.00 |
Shkodra North Region Directorate | Mirëmbajtje rutinë dhe dimërore me performancë rruga "Qafë Mali-Fierzë 58 km. | 74,051,762 | Signed the Contract | MARÇELI & SHPRESA - AL | 70,348,906.00 |
Shkodra North Region Directorate | Mirembajtje rutinë dhe dimërore me performancë rruga "Kukës-U.Zapotit, Kukës-Bushtricë (Vasie), K/Rruge Domaj-Draj/Rec (Kufi me Peshkopinë) 71.64 km | 130,853,729 | Signed the Contract | JUBICA. SHPK | 113,700,000.00 |
Shkodra North Region Directorate | Mirembajtje rutinë dhe dimërore me performancë rruga B.Curri - Valbonë, U.Bujan - Q.Morinë, Sopot-Kernajë, Mejdan -Tropoje-Bucaj 57.76 km | 115,670,208 | Signed the Contract | FLORIDA SHPK | 106,894,130.00 |
Shkodra North Region Directorate | Mirembajtje rutinë dhe dimërore me performancë rruga "Fierzë-B.Curri , B.Curri-Kam 48.2 km | 96,442,439 | Signed the Contract | GECI SHPK | 91,027,381.00 |
Albanian Road Authority | Nderhyrje emergjente per stabilizimin e reshqitjes ne km 21+495 ÷21+620, ne segmentin Lin - Pogradec | 139,424,473 | Signed the Contract | PE-VLA-KU SHPK | 138,753,792.6 |
Albanian Road Authority | Supervizion punimesh Ndërtim rruga Kardhiq - Delvinë Loti 4, Loti 5, Loti 6. | 34,490,193 | Signed the Contract | GJEOKONSULT & CO - 47 EK 79 & ILIRIADA P.K.S | 34,390,000.00 |
Albanian Road Authority | Ndertim By Pass Tepelene, Loti 1 | 2,394,360,362 | Signed the Contract | G.P.G. COMPANY & GARDEN LINE | 2,389,686,891.00 |
Gjirokastra South Region Directorate | Sherbim Roje Civile Drejtoria e Rajonit Jugor Gjirokaster. | 3,124,428 | Signed the Contract | Nazeri 2000 SHPK | 2,915,926.45 |
Albanian Road Authority | Ndertim nënkalimi hekurudhor Hd=10m në unazën Librazhd. | 34,706,852 | Signed the Contract | BAJRAMI N SHPK | 23,584,764.00 |
Albanian Road Authority | Sherbim roje civile gogina ARRSH. | 3,562,281 | Signed the Contract | EUROGJICI-SECURITY Shpk | 7 988.81 lekë/në ditë pa TVSH |
Albanian Road Authority | Menaxhimi e Mirëmbajtja e Pajisjeve dhe Operimi i Tunelit të Krrabës. | 98,180,000 | Signed the Contract | 4 A -M SHPK | 98,120,000.00 |
Albanian Road Authority | Studim-projektim rishikim i punimeve të mbetura në aksin rrugor Elbasan-Gjinar. | 2,236,401 | Re-Proclaimed and Cancelled | ||
Tirana Central Region Directorate | Shërbimi i ruajtjes dhe sigurisë fizike me roje private, te Drejtorisë së Rajonit Qendror Tirane | 6,143,000 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Albanian Road Authority | Loti 4 “Mirëmbajtje rutinë dhe dimërore e segmentit rrugor Dushaj - Sheshi i Trageteve - Lekbibaj me gjatësi 15 km” | 3,247,776 | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Albanian Road Authority | Loti 8 “Mirëmbajtje rutinë dhe dimërore e segmentit rrugor Vau Dejës - Nënshat - Lezhë me gjatësi 33.7 km” | 3,861,069 | Cancelled Procurement |
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