“Vjelja dhe grumbullimi i boceve te pishes mesdhetare ne territorin e
Bashkise Fier”.
Seller authority |
Local Unit Fier |
Auction Object |
“Vjelja dhe grumbullimi i boceve te pishes mesdhetare ne territorin e
Bashkise Fier”. Vlera fillestare: 407 800 leke |
Reference No.
Initial value ALL |
407,800 |
Procurement Method |
Procedure e hapur |
Auction Status |
Anuluar ankandi |
Auction announcement date in bulletin |
04-10-2021 |
Last date of Submitted Documents |
Auction held date |
25-10-2021 |
No. of Bidders |
Bidders |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
Awarded value ALL |
Bidder Announcement date |
Contract date |
Cancellation reason |
per shkak te mos paraqitjes se asnje operatori ekonomik |
Auction place |
Bashkia Fier |
Public Announcement Bulletin |
Announcement of Procurement |
Buletini Nr. 146 datë 4 Tetor 2021 |
Bidder Announcement |
Signing of the Contract |
Cancellation of Procurement |
Buletini Nr. 163 datë 15 Nëntor 2021 |