Graphical display of results by searched conditions
Summary results by searched conditions
Procuring Authority / Buyer |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
No. of announced tenders |
Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) |
No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) |
Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) |
Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
Qeverisja Vendore Tiranë |
Adi Professional |
19 |
96,919,032 |
19 |
96,919,032 |
94,268,793 |
Tenders list
Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity |
Tender object |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL |
Stage Procedure |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
Awarded value |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Blerje Pjesë Këmbimi për Sistemet e Parkimit |
4,620,833 |
Announced the Winner |
Adi Professional |
4,491,500.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Shpenzime per mirembajtje e sistemeve te parkimit |
5,166,264 |
Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
5,073,000.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Blerje dhe Sherbim Vendosje Bileta ne Sistemet e Parkimit |
1,982,549 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
1,704,000.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Mirembajtje e Sistemeve te Parkimit |
2,400,650 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
1,943,750.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Blerje dhe Sherbim Vendosje Bileta ne Sistemet e Parkimit |
1,043,892 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
1,010,325.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Materiale per funksionim e Pajisjeve te Parkimit | |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
770,000 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Blerje Makineri dhe Pajisje per Parkimet |
13,743,000 |
Announced the Winner |
Adi Professional |
13,259,000.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Mirembajtje e Sistemeve te Parkimit |
3,453,170 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
3,443,714.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Blerje Pjese Kembimi per Sistemet e Parkimit |
12,954,654 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
12,511,338.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Blerje Kasa Automatike per Pagesat ne Sheshparkimet e Mbyllura |
14,000,000 |
Announced the Winner |
Adi Professional |
13,722,000.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Mirembajtja e Sistemeve te Parkimit |
3,453,170 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
3,440,000.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Mirembajtja e sistemeve te parkimit |
2,522,870 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
2,510,000.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Blerje Bileta Elektronike per Parkim |
7,312,833 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
7,232,500.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Blerje Bileta Elektronike per Parkim |
457,600 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
429,000.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Mirembajtja e Sistemeve te Parkimit |
3,915,000 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
3,890,000.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Blerje serveri Multiparking |
4,108,666 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
4,098,666.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Mirëmbajtje e sistemeve të parkimit |
3,140,000 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
3,076,000 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Mirëmbajtje e Sistemeve të Parkimit në Sheshe dhe Terminale |
893,881 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
844,000.00 |
Local Unit Tiranë |
Lot 1: Purchase of electronic tickets for parking systems |
11,750,000 |
Signed the Contract |
Adi Professional |
10,820,000.00 |