Graphical display of results by searched conditions
Summary results by searched conditions
Procuring Authority / Buyer |
Economic operator no. |
No. of announced tenders |
Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) |
No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) |
Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) |
Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
Qeverisja Vendore Shkodër |
572 |
2,802 |
12,174,820,510 |
2,150 |
8,392,280,921 |
7,193,987,373 |
Tenders list
Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity |
Tender object |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL |
Stage Procedure |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
Awarded value |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Blerje Veshje pune dhe Pajisje mbrojtese 2024 |
990,814 |
Announced the Winner |
2-MJ |
550,000.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Rikonstruksion i kanaleve kullues KU-22,KU-22-1, KU-22-2,KU-23,KU-23-1 |
62,943,369 |
Announced the Winner |
”Ndertuesi 2000” shpk |
40,119,150.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Katering per aktivitetet sociale | |
Announced the Winner |
40,000.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Blerje Ushqime |
9,800,000 |
Announced the Winner |
7,350,095.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Blerje paisje TIK | |
Announced the Winner |
GE-D |
345,000.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Mirëmbajtje e zakonshme e objekteve të arsimit |
12,364,107 |
Announced the Winner |
8,832,600.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Mbikqyerje e punimeve per objektin: Rikonstruksion rruget Fermentim (Rrethina),(Projekte per permiresimin e infrastruktures ,kryesisht ne zona informale qe jane ne proces legalizimi |
1,065,202 |
Announced the Winner |
918,660.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Ndertim i Ambjetenteve Sportive Shkolla "Deshmoret e Prishtines" (Jeto me sportin) |
29,507,918 |
Announced the Winner |
”Ndertuesi 2000” shpk |
19,488,500.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Rikonstruksion godina e ish konviktit Safet Spahia”. |
27,007,136 |
Announced the Winner |
A.ARENS sh.p.k & ARIFAJ sh.p.k |
19,615,374.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Blerje dru zjarri |
27,083,265 |
Announced Procurement |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Rikonstruksion rruget Fermentim (Rrethina),(Projekte per permiresimin e infrastruktures ,kryesisht ne zona informale qe jane ne proces legalizimi) |
101,532,023 |
Announced the Winner |
63,850,852.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Mirëmbajtje e rrethimeve të objekteve arsimore |
4,999,985 |
Announced the Winner |
3,545,615.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Dita e biçikletave | |
Announced the Winner |
Emiljano Dervishi |
347,000.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Blerje artikuj pastrimi 2024 |
604,312 |
Announced the Winner |
NewAge Distribution |
480,000.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Blerje materiale per rritjen dhe modernizimin e ndriçimit |
20,830,819 |
Announced Procurement |
17,200,000.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Rikonstruksion Rruga Mehmet Xhelil Fishta |
24,949,094 |
Announced the Winner |
16,383,890.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Blerje Tonera |
828,883 |
Cancelled Procurement |
430,200.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Avolzhime elektromotorri/transformatori |
2,000,000 |
Re-Proclaimed and Announced the Winner |
1,953,800.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Mirëmbajtje e objekteve të arsimit (Bojatisje) |
8,755,691 |
Announced the Winner |
7,004,525.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
F.V kurrize artificiale dhe blerje cilinder PVC(Levizshmeria dhe sinjalistika) |
4,106,675 |
Announced the Winner |
”DeltaREX” sh.p.k |
3,150,000.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Mbikqyrje punimesh ne objektin “Rikontruksion I vepres dhe linjes se dergimit te fshatit Postribe |
362,286 |
Announced the Winner |
Mbikëqyrës G & L |
192,350.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Sherbimi i internetit |
4,194,000 |
Announced the Winner |
3,330,000.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Blerje materiale kancelaria |
1,210,537 |
Announced the Winner |
755,033.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Rikonstruksion magazine dhe ambiente të jashtme |
7,473,265 |
Announced the Winner |
“Boris 2019”sh.p.k &”Ndërtuesi 2014” |
5,218,375.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Mbikqyerje e punimeve per objektin:Rikonstruksion vepra e marrjes Spathar KU-10, Vukatane-Kuç |
1,084,044 |
Announced the Winner |
‘’Bersant Ylli’’ PF & “MAGNA CHARTA” sh.p.k, |
982,501.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Mbikqyerje e punimeve per objektin: Rikonstruksion i kanaleve kullues KU-22,KU-22-1, KU-22-2,KU-23,KU-23-1 |
1,422,030 |
Announced the Winner |
‘’Bersant Ylli’’ PF & “MAGNA CHARTA” sh.p.k, |
1,279,182.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Blerje materiale të tjera bojra ,stuko, etj | |
Announced the Winner |
89,700.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Loti I – Mirëmbajtje e skemës ujitëse KU 33 Nj.A Bërdicë |
7,002,015 |
Announced the Winner |
5,247,628.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Rikonstruksion shkolla “Kol Idromeno” |
110,942,683 |
Announced the Winner |
2 N |
79,247,763.00 |
Local Unit Shkodër |
Rikonstruksion i vepres se marrjes dhe linjes se dergimit te fshatit Postribe |
15,095,260 |
Announced the Winner |
Ndregjoni SHPK |
13,793,071.00 |