Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
59 135 206 20,239,773,895 203 20,006,033,290 18,167,280,733

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Maliq Sistemim-asfaltim rruga kryqëzimi i rrugës Korçë-Bilisht (fshati Kuç)- Fshati Orman. Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 152,841,899 Signed the Contract SALILLARI SHPK - VASHTEMIA SHPK 87,511,790.00
Local Unit Durrës Ndërtimi i shkollës 9-vjeçare Marie Kaçulini, Durrës - Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 119,935,000 Signed the Contract "M U R A T I" - BOSHNJAKU. B - EURO-ALB 86,098,550.00
Local Unit Elbasan Projekti I monitorimit të ambjentit në qytetin e Elbasanit. Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 20,470,833 Signed the Contract FASTECH -SOFT SOLUTION 20,170,831.00
Local Unit Vlorë Rikonstruksion “Ura e Zvërnecit”, Narte-Vlore. Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 30,670,398 Signed the Contract Arifaj SHPK 27,446,183.00
Local Unit Selenicë Rikualifikim urban i fshatit Kote. Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 52,430,806 Signed the Contract PE-VLA-KU SHPK 50,755,860.00
Local Unit Vlorë Rikonstruksion i rrugëve Zigur Lelo dhe Shefit Zenaj - Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 83,283,093 Signed the Contract Anbi SHPK 67,113,282.00
Local Unit Patos Reconstruction of Shen Maria, Sheqishte road 46,384,100 Signed the Contract VARAKU.E SHPK 40,079,183.00
Local Unit Peqin Urban requalification of Elbasan-Peqin Entrance road and the ring of Peqini town - Financed from Regional Development Fund 124,236,000 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract B-93 SHPK & BOSHNJAKU B SHPK & CAUSHI SHPK 113,863,559.00
Local Unit Vlorë Rehabilitimi dhe riasfaltimi i disa rrugëve kryesore të qytetit të Vlorës (Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve). 124,968,494 Signed the Contract COMPANY RIVIERA 2008-AGRI KONSTRUKSION 90,187,263.00
Local Unit Lushnje Rikualifikim urban i hapësirës sportive. Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 48,726,855 Signed the Contract SENKA SHPK-ENGLAND SHPK 46,286,549.00
Local Unit Fier Ngritja e portalit të administrimit dhe promovimit të atraksioneve kulturore-historike dhe turistike në Bashkinë e Fierit - Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 12,441,667 Signed the Contract INFOSOFT SYSTEMS 12,199,725.00
Local Unit Kurbin Rikualifikim urban i bulevardit dhe sheshit qëndror të qytetit Laç, Bashkia Kurbin, Loti 1 - Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 124,970,670 Signed the Contract ULZA 124,111,141.00
Local Unit Korçë Platforma Web GIS për Bashkinë Korçë (teknika të avancuara replikimi) - Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 11,000,000 Signed the Contract S&T Albania SHPK & HELIUS SYSTEMS 10,800,000.00
Local Unit Dimal web GIS Platform for Ura Vajgurore Municipality. Advanced replication techniques and maintenance of web GIS platform at Ura Vajgurore Municipality - Financed from Regional Development Fund 13,333,300 Signed the Contract S&T Albania SHPK & HELIUS SYSTEMS 13,000,000.00
Local Unit Elbasan Transporti inteligjent (Bashkia Elbasan, Bashkia Korçë, Bashkia Vlorë).Burimi i Financimit : Fondi i Zhvillimit te Rajoneve. 37,500,000 Signed the Contract S&T Albania SHPK & HELIUS SYSTEMS 36,617,647.00
Local Unit Finiq Improvement of Dermish-Dhiver-Cerkovice Road - Financed from the Regional Development Fund 82,916,700 Signed the Contract 4 A -M SHPK 81,675,405.00
Local Unit Durrës Construction of the road over the canal K-192, sidewalk and lighting (segment from the former railway station base up to Illyria Beach) - Financed by the State Budget 124,999,000 Signed the Contract LIQENI VII SHA & ALB-BUILDING 75,000,000.00
Local Unit Maliq Reconstruction, Systemizing, Asphalting of Petrushw-Vreshtas Street - Financed from Regional Development Fund 121,929,000 Signed the Contract S I R E T A 2F SHPK - AGRI CONSTRUKSION SHPK - Artyka II SHPK 91,464,340.00
Local Unit Këlcyrë Requalification of the Residences Blocks and Facades along the Entrance road - Funded from Regional Development Fund 58,676,800 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract FYBEK - LEON KONSTRUKSION SHPK 58,510,833.00
Local Unit Vlorë Evaluation and Uploading of Existing Geospatial Data into the Platform of Geographic System(GIS) - Financed by the State Budget and the Municipality of Vlora 23,983,600 Signed the Contract FASTECH -SOFT SOLUTION 16,666,667.00
Local Unit Fier Urban Renewal of Ramiz Aranitasi boulevard - Regional Development Fund 172,464,000 Signed the Contract MODESTE SHPK– G.P.G.COMPANY SHPK 169,976,444.00
Local Unit Kolonjë Financial and Managerial Administration of Kolonja Municipality and its Administrative Units - Financed from the Regional Development Fund 10,366,700 Signed the Contract INFOSOFT SYSTEMS 10,159,300.00
Local Unit Durrës Public Square Revitalization of the entrance to the Port - funded by the State Budget 487,461,000 Signed the Contract EVEREST SHPK&FUSHA SHPK 451,529,540.00
Local Unit Tiranë Rikualifikimi i Pazarit të Ri (Markata e Mish-Peshkut, Restaurim i 4 objekteve dhe Rikonstruksion i fasadave përreth Sheshit Avni Rustemi dhe pajisjet) - Financuar nga Fondi I Zhvillimit te Rajoneve 166,894,676 Signed the Contract SALILLARI SHPK 166,072,876.00
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of Ymer Xhafa school in Dermenas, Fier 26,408,000 Signed the Contract ELIRA SHPK & ANADA SHPK 18,475,713.00
Local Unit Durrës Local Geo-portal system, web GIS for Durres Municipality 12,500,000 Signed the Contract C.C.S. SHPK 12,460,500.00
Local Unit Malësi e Madhe Rehabilitation of Koplik City Center 173,749,000 Signed the Contract STERKAJ SHPK 167,979,718.00
Local Unit Selenicë Rehabilitation of Brataj village center 14,255,100 Signed the Contract J O G I 13,299,390.00
Local Unit Patos Urban requalification of Republic promenade 82,179,200 Signed the Contract ED KONSTRUKSION SHPK & FUSHA SHPK & ARKONSTUDIO SHPK 80,238,055.00
Local Unit Vlorë Lot 1: Rehabilitation of Ramize Gjebrea and Gjon Bocari streets 67,037,000 Signed the Contract B 93 SHPK 49,494,900.00

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