Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
59 135 206 20,239,773,895 203 20,006,033,290 18,167,280,733

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Fier Reconstruction of Agim-Ndernenas-Hasturkas road 243,125,000 Signed the Contract A.L – ASFALT SHPK & EURONDERTIMI 2000 SHPK 242,500,000.00
Local Unit Fier Contract supplement: Reconstruction of Janaq Kilica High School, Fier 4,131,970 Signed the Contract + Additional Contract Kola Invest SHPK&Kupa SHPK 4,131,968.00
Local Unit Divjakë Improvement and asphalting if Mertish – 3 Urat road - Source of Financing: Rural Development Fund 337,392,000 Signed the Contract SALILLARI SHPK 317,142,614.00
Local Unit Divjakë Improvement and asphalting of Gradishtw – Spolatw e Madhe road 132,833,000 Signed the Contract STERKAJ SHPK 109,988,923.00
Local Unit Malësi e Madhe Building of Razwm resort boulevard 18,903,000 Signed the Contract Betonplus Company & NIKA 18,726,715.00
Local Unit Kolonjë Framework agreement: Requalification of Rilindja Square and Facades 46,666,700 Signed the Contract AURORA KONSTRUKSION   46,323,340.00
Local Unit Durrës Reconstruction of Perlat-Hamallaj-Hidrovor road 99,999,000 Announced the Winner CAUSHI SHPK - SHKELQIMI 07 SHPK - PESE VELLEZERIT - SINDER AB 62,303,560.00
Local Unit Tiranë Reconstruction of Jordan Misja Artistic School 70,622,200 Signed the Contract Ed Konstruksion SHPK - 4 A -M SHPK 69224584.85
Local Unit Shkodër Urban requalification of spaces outside the cathedral of St. Stephen 17,256,300 Signed the Contract B.M-Konstruksion SHPK 15,852,285.00
Local Unit Këlcyrë Improvement, Paving of Kwlcyrw-Center ring (Phase Two), Construction of sidewalk, street paving, drainage of white water, lighting, greenery of Panariti way, 1020 m long 7,859,020 Signed the Contract Hito 94 SHPK + Leon Konstruksion SHPK 7,828,195.00
Local Unit Finiq Construction of Navaricw – Memoraq – Dermish water supply 51,885,200 Announced Procurement
Local Unit Gjirokastër Reconstruction of Cerciz Square –Post block road 208,333,000 Signed the Contract ALBA KONSTRUCTION SHPK + FUSHA SHPK 164407744.01
Local Unit Berat Lot 3: Revitalization of Republika boulevard Teodor Muzaka central square 141,011,000 Signed the Contract G.P.G. COMPANY SHPK + LEON KONSTRUKSION SHPK 127,658,887.00
Local Unit Përmet Revitalization of the residence block between Tefta Tashko Koço, Elena Gjika and Vasil Papadhopuli streets 49,999,700 Signed the Contract Rosi SHPK + Vellezerit Hysa SHPK 48,607,039.00
Local Unit Konispol Reconstruction of the city's central square-Rural Development Fund 44,823,400 Signed the Contract G.P.G. COMPANY SHPK 43,764,730.00
Local Unit Sarandë Replacement of the water pipeline from the pumping station of Vrion up to the city reservoir 141,664,000 Signed the Contract RIVIERA SHPK + STERKAJ SHPK 105,019,866.00
Local Unit Sarandë Improvement of sewage into the area of Butrint Hotel up to Cuka Channel 124,906,000 Signed the Contract GJIKURIA SHPK 120,145,961.00
Local Unit Sarandë ECO Campus Saranda 276,292,000 Signed the Contract BEAN SHPK + PIENVIS SHPK + BE-IS SHPK 275,481,211.00
Local Unit Himarë Rehabilitation of pavements and facades of Kudhes village 48,750,000 Signed the Contract A.E.K & Co SHPK 48,699,999.00
Local Unit Himarë Bridge in Kondraqa-Qendwr-Kallam,Gjilek, Dhwrmi road 39,697,800 Signed the Contract SALILLARI SHPK 38,901,681.00
Local Unit Durrës Framework agreement: Building of Bajram Curri 2 9-year school 120,287,000 Signed the Contract RAJLI NDERTIM SHPK - VARAKU E SHPK 80,470,382.00
Local Unit Elbasan Urban requalification of Aqif Pasha park 91,541,200 Signed the Contract BAJRAMI N. SHPK + BLERIMI SHPK 79,610,600.00
Local Unit Lushnje The urbanization of 18 Tetori informal neighborhood 77,244,379 Signed the Contract G.P.G. COMPANY SHPK 73,264,720.00
Local Unit Shkodër Reconstruction of Migjeni Theatre Building 74,823,600 Signed the Contract NIKA SHPK + MANE/S SHPK 47,564,138.00
Local Unit Korçë Internal infrastructure of the Centre for the preservation and promotion of culture / Museum of Medieval Art 129,685,000 Signed the Contract KONSTRUKSION 93 SHPK + XHENGO SHPK 126121246.9
Local Unit Himarë Rehabilitation of Pilur village center 22,052,400 Signed the Contract A.E.K & Co SHPK 21,825,983.00

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