Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
52 ERVIN LUZI 311 203,466,476 307 202,193,310 174,885,531

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Vlorë BLERJE DYSHEKE TEK Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 168,900
Local Unit Elbasan Blerje materiale ndertimi inerte per ASHP-ne 3,903,006 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 47,540.00
Local Unit Prrenjas Blerje baze materiale per rikonstruksionin e banesave 882,939 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 728,310.00
Local Unit Patos - Loti III Blerje materiale elektrike 283,637 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 185,500.00
Local Unit Patos Loti II Materiale hidraulike 511,581 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 392,580.00
Local Unit Patos Loti I Materiale ndertimi 248,400 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 180,640.00
Local Unit Prrenjas 1 Blerje materiale hidraulike 1,213,400 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 945,000.00
Local Unit Prrenjas Blerje materiale per riparim dyer, dritare , brava Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 324000.00
Local Unit Gjirokastër Materiale hidraulike per mirembajtjen e rrjetit hidraulik 4,729,758 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 3,890,005.00
Local Unit Gjirokastër Materiale per mirembajtjen e rrjetit K.U.Z 1,832,257 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 1,389,000.00
Local Unit Prrenjas Blerje detergjente 946,650 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 566,700.00
Local Unit Dropull Vegla pune Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 62500.00
Local Unit Malësi e Madhe Blerje vegla pune Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 114000.00
Local Unit Korçë Materiale hidraulike 2,500,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 1,970,000.00
Local Unit Librazhd Blerje materiale te ndryshme elektrike, hidraulike per mirembajtjen e objekteve te ndryshme e rrjetit te ndricimit dhe pajisjeve special 3,415,553 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 2,890,000.00
Local Unit Memaliaj Blerje materjale pastrimi detergjent Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 189,000.00
Local Unit Shkodër blerje materiale elektrike Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 294,000.00
Local Unit Këlcyrë Blerje dru zjarri per shkollat dhe kopshtet vartese te Bashkise dhe Njesive Administrative Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 358,890.00
Local Unit Korçë Materiale Hidraulike Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 224,000.00
Local Unit Poliçan Shpenzime per blerje materiale elektrike Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 164,200.00
Local Unit Poliçan Shpenzime per blerje materiale hidraulike Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 145,000.00
Local Unit Korçë Materiale elektrike Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 148,900.00
Local Unit Korçë Materiale speciale per Marangozin Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 289,000.00
Local Unit Mallakastër Blerje materiale kancelarie Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 252,000
Local Unit Fier blerje paisje elektrike Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 248,900
Local Unit Fier blerje paisje elektrike Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 248,900
Local Unit Prrenjas Blerje paisje kuzhine për qendrën ditore Shtëpia e të moshuarve Prrenjas Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 64,800
Local Unit Prrenjas Blerje mobilje dhe elektro-shtepiake për qendrën ditore Shtëpia e të moshuarve Prrenjas Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 324,500
Local Unit Prrenjas Blerje paisje kuzhine për qendrën ditore Shtëpia e të moshuarve Prrenjas Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 64,800

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