Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
52 ERVIN LUZI 311 203,466,476 307 202,193,310 174,885,531

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Gramsh Blerje materiale ndërtimi për plotësimin e nevojave të Agjensisë së Shërbimeve Publike. 1,864,240 Announced the Winner ERVIN LUZI 1,540,000.00
Local Unit Bulqizë Blerje materiale pastrim-gjelberimi 1,208,333 Announced the Winner ERVIN LUZI 990,000.00
Local Unit Durrës Blerje baze materjale per punime druri per institucionet e Qendres Ek. Arsimit 500,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 189,000.00
Local Unit Lushnje blerje materiale elektrike per nevojat e shkollave, kopshteve dhe çerdhes 554,500 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 348,900.00
Local Unit Korçë Loti 1 - Materiale elektrike 5,347,398 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 4,467,150
Local Unit Tropojë Blerje vegla pune 458,500 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 378,900.00
Local Unit Cërrik Blerje kosha dekorativ per qendren e qytetit 792,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 578,900.00
Local Unit Memaliaj Blerje materjale pastrimi per nevoja te Bashkise Memaliaj 308,260 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 234,000.00
Local Unit Poliçan Blerje vegla pune dhe pajisje elektrike per sherbimet speciale te sektorit te Mbrojtjes nga Zjarri dhe Shpetimi 84,431 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 48,900.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje klor disifektant 300,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 146,800.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje Uniforma per Punonjesit e Zjarrfikset 300,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 188,000.00
Local Unit Patos Blerje matësa uji 4,729,400 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 3,710,000.00
Local Unit Bulqizë Blerje materiale te kanaleve te ujrave te zeza 155,917 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 124,890.00
Local Unit Patos Blerje ndriçues rrugor . 797,608 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 589,000.00
Local Unit Tiranë BLERJE KOSHA PLEHRASH 247,500 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 198,000.00
Local Unit Fier Blerje Bojra Printeri 500,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 279,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec BLERJE VEGLA PUNE 427,500 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 278,900
Local Unit Durrës Blerje materjale te ndryshme,vegla ,brava etj. per institucionet e Qendres Ek.Arsimit. 383,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 298,400
Local Unit Cërrik Materiale dhe shërbime të tjera 1,889,130 Announced the Winner ERVIN LUZI 1,489,000
Local Unit Poliçan Blerje materiali per mirembajtjen e rrjetit elektrike 415,580 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 278,900
Local Unit Sarandë Mirëmbajtje të objekteve të kopshteve,çerdheve dhe shkollave 341,666 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 248,900
Local Unit Berat Blerje vula per matesa uji 493,500 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 196,000
Local Unit Elbasan Blerje Vegla dhe Rroba Pune 800,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 648,900
Local Unit Kuçovë Blerje materiale kancelarie 119,075 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 69,800
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje gaz gatimi 400,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 338,360
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje materiale hidaraulike 400,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 225,900
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje e materiale te tjera 200,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 110,000
Local Unit Vlorë Riparim mjeti Citroen Berlingo 250,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 178,900
Local Unit Bulqizë Blerje materiale p rrugesh dhe trotuaresh 291,667 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 246,000
Local Unit Korçë Blerje tonera për printera 386,000 Signed the Contract ERVIN LUZI 222,000

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