Riparime Ura 1+2,Turaj Nj.Ad.Shishtavec
Procuring Authority / Buyer |
Local Unit Kukës |
Procuring Authority / Buyer |
Bashkia Kukes |
Tender object |
Riparime Ura 1+2,Turaj Nj.Ad.Shishtavec.
Burimi i financimit:Buxhet shteti |
Reference No. |
REF-31677-12-03-2024 |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT |
1 586 471,00 |
Type of Contract |
Procurement Method |
Simplified open procedure |
Stage Procedure |
Signed the Contract |
Tender Publication Date |
04-12-2024 |
Last date of Submitted Documents |
16-12-2024 |
Tender Held Date |
16-12-2024 |
No. of Bidders |
3 |
Bidders |
2.”2 N” Shpk
3.”OUEN” Shpk |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
The winning bid ALL without vat |
1 395 997,00 |
Bidder Announcement date |
20-12-2024 |
Award and Contract Amount ALL with VAT |
Contract date |
31-12-2024 |
Planned Milestones of Contract / Start and End Date |
45 dite nga momenti i
nenshkrimit te kontrates. |
Renewal Contract Additional Value (ALL with VAT) |
Appeals |
Nga pjesëmarrësit janë skualifikuar, Ofertuesit e mëposhtëm:
1.”2 N” Shpk pasi nuk ka paraqitur vleren ne Formularin e ofertes ekonomike dhe certifikaten e marrjes ne dorezim per te vertetuar pervojen e meparshme te ngjashme.
Ne perfundim te afateve te ankimimit per kete procedure prokurimi nuk ka pasur ankesa. |
Cancellation reason |
Additions |
Vlera totale përfundimtare e kontratës (përfshirë Lotet, opsionet dhe nënkontraktimin) eshte: 1,675,196.4 (Nje milion e gjashteqind e shtatdhjete e pese mije e njeqind e nentedhjete e
gjashte mije pike kater) Leke pa tvsh. |
Transaction / Actual Spending |
Public Announcement Bulletin |