Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
25 SPARKLE 32 66 151,830,075 63 148,763,881 139,715,311

Tenders list

Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
Local Unit Tiranë Blerje Kompatator 25mc 5,972,833 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 4,880,000.00
Local Unit Tiranë Blerje kamioncine 5 m3 per mbledhjene e inerteve 2,333,333 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 2,048,000.00
Local Unit Gramsh Blerje materiale hidraulike , elektrike e ndertimi per Arsimin 1,348,650 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 1,337,575.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje 1 makine veteshkarkuese skrep 4,166,666 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 4,020,000.00
Local Unit Gramsh Blerje e materialeve te ndertimit,elektrike e hidraulike per Drejtorine e Sherbimeve Publike 1,972,617 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 1,891,460.00
Local Unit Libohovë Blerje automjeti dhe pajisje zjarrfikse 3,200,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 3,140,000.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje 1 makine 20 ton veteshkarkuese bobcat 4,166,666 Announced the Winner SPARKLE 32 4,120,000.00
Local Unit Gramsh Blerje pajisje per mirembajtjen e stadiumit dhe fushave sportive, etj. Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 86,700.00
Local Unit Gramsh Blerje materiale hidraulike , elektrike e ndertimi per Arsimin 1,200,600 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 1,200,400.00
Local Unit Vorë Loti 2 - Sherbim riparimi i Automjetit zjarrfikes tip Daf dhe Autobot tip Iveco Eurocargo 500,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32
Local Unit Roskovec Blerje zjarrfikëse 6,250,000 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 5,600,000.00
Local Unit Lushnje Transport me rimorkiator 663,533 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 654,000
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje disqe per moco te para krahu i djath nrshasie ZCF662M000E001470 per Parkun e Udhetareve Vlore Cop 2 30,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 29,300.00
Local Unit Tiranë Shpenzime për mirmbajtjen e aparateve,pajisjeve teknike dhe veglave të punës 250,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 67,800
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje disqe per moco te para krahu i djath nrshasie ZCF662M000E001470 per Parkun e Udhetareve Vlore Cop 2 30,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 28,800
Local Unit Vlorë Riparim i Pompave te Hidrovorit te Qytetit 1,905,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 1,882,400.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje Set kompresori AC-75 per Parkun e Udhetareve Vlore Cop 2 8,600 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 8,400.00
Local Unit Vlorë Rere,Stabilizante ,Cakell,Cimento 130,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 119,000
Local Unit Klos Miremb.mjetesh.Pjese Kemb. goma Bateri (Fadromat) 186,100 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 167,000
Local Unit Vorë Blerje automjeti për nevojat e Bashkisë Vorë 1,415,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 1,198,800.00
Local Unit Gramsh Blerje pjese kembimi per Komunalen 339,900 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 312,000.00
Local Unit Kamëz Blerje aparat fotografik 798,588 Cancelled Procurement SPARKLE 32 769,000.00
Local Unit Dropull Blerje Pompe Vertikale 416,666 Cancelled Procurement SPARKLE 32 397,000.00
Local Unit Vorë Blerje Automjeti zjarrëfikes, Bot Uji dhe Pajisje funksionale për efektivin zjarrfikës 7,083,333 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 7,050,000.00
Local Unit Kavajë Blerje plehu kimik 126,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 118,000.00
Local Unit Tropojë Blerje goma dimerore per automjetet e Bashkise Tropoje 172,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 136,000.00
Local Unit Roskovec “Larje pusi uji ne fshatin Suk 1, Njesia Administrative Strum” 250,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 230,000.00
Local Unit Kavajë Blerje pompe uji 62,500 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 59,700.00
Local Unit Tiranë Mbushje fikse zjarri me bluhur ABC 223,300 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 223,300.00
Local Unit Vlorë Blerje 2 Koke paraleli Iveco 490 8,000 Signed the Contract SPARKLE 32 7,800.00

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