Graphical display of results by searched conditions
institution | Total number of tenders |
Qeverisja Vendore Sarandë | 1,023 |
Total number of tenders by municipalities
institution | Total contracting value (with vat) |
Qeverisja Vendore Sarandë | 3,167,406,309 |
Total of auctions contracting value by municipalities
institution | The winning bid without vat | Difference betwwen limit fund and winning bid without vat |
Qeverisja Vendore Sarandë | 3,877,077,501 | 454,592,078 |
Limit fund vs. Winning bid by searched conditions
Summary results by searched conditions
Procuring Authority / Buyer |
Economic operator no. |
No. of announced tenders |
Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) |
No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) |
Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) |
Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT) |
Qeverisja Vendore Sarandë |
295 |
1,015 |
5,073,314,271 |
780 |
4,285,133,135 |
3,877,104,246 |
Tenders list
Procuring Authority by Local Government Entity |
Tender object |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL |
Stage Procedure |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
Awarded value |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Rikualifikm i rrugeve te brendeshme me asfalt ne Gjashte , Sarande |
7,916,666 |
Signed the Contract |
7,268,256.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Mbjellje pemesh ne rruget publike |
5,000,000 |
Cancelled Procurement |
4,084,640.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Rikualifikim dhe riveshje rrugeve "Onhezmi' dhe rruges "Adem Sheme" |
33,333,333 |
Signed the Contract |
31,487,601.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Dhenia me qira, me konkurim publik të ambjentit: “Lokal Riviera ” në pronësi të Bashkisë Sarandë , me vendndodhje në Lagjen nr. 1 Sarandë , zona kadastrale 8641 , me siperfaqe 338 m2 |
33,800 |
Announced the Winner |
“Lavdie Dhima” |
35,000.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Rikualifikim i rrugeve te brendeshme ne Gjashte , Metoq , Shelegar |
7,500,000 |
Signed the Contract |
6,751,810.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Investime ne ambjentet e Konviktit I Shkolles Ekonomike |
3,083,333 |
Signed the Contract |
2,486,964.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje karburant Aparati, Bordi, PMNZSH |
6,583,333 |
Signed the Contract |
A&T sha & 2A2F-L OIL |
6,569,482.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje materiale per rinovim linjash elektrike |
6,666,666 |
Signed the Contract |
"NIKA" shpk |
5,339,150.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje karburanti |
4,166,666 |
Signed the Contract |
A&T |
4,166,588.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Rikonstruksion te godines se QKF |
3,293,333 |
Signed the Contract |
3,224,730.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje karburanti per nevoja te Shoqerise |
6,000,000 |
Signed the Contract |
A&T sha & 2A2F-L OIL |
5,999,967.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Rikualifikim dhe shtrim te rrjetit rrugor Ksamil |
16,666,667 |
Signed the Contract |
15,329,100.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje matesa familjare |
10,000,000 |
Signed the Contract |
7,200,000.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Mirembajtje e Njesive Operacionale te ITUN Cuke, perfshire pompat, pajisje, materiale etj. |
11,200,000 |
Signed the Contract |
A.91 |
4,406,000.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Rikonstruksion, Shkolla 9-vjecare "Adem Sheme", Sarande |
59,595,833 |
Signed the Contract |
59,085,588.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
“Rikualifikim i hapesirash me lulishte dhe stola,rruga “Apostol Cuni` mbi adem shemen, posht shikut, mbi komisariat dhe rikualifikim i rrugeve ne Berdenesh, Cuke, Manastir, Koder” |
10,000,000 |
Signed the Contract |
9,839,280.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
“Rikonstruksion te salles se mbledhjeve ne Bashki ” |
7,083,333 |
Signed the Contract |
6,820,225.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
(Minikontrata 1)Blerje materiale elektrike per nevojat e shoqerise | |
Signed the Contract |
A.91 |
1,998,150.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
“Mirëmbajtje e Sistemeve Informatike (Sporteli Elektronik për qytetarin; Sistemi Elektronik i Kërkesë/Ankesave; Sistemi i Informimit dhe Ekspozimit ndaj Qytetarit)” |
1,393,600 |
Signed the Contract |
1 130 000 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje materiale elektrike per nevojat e shoqerise |
7,069,310 |
Announced the Winner |
A.91 |
1,998,150.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Rikualifikim i rrugeve te brendeshme ne lagjen nr.3(Pjesa mbi Spital) dhe rikualifikim i rrugeve te brendeshme ne lagjen "Lugu i Dardhes" |
9,166,666 |
Signed the Contract |
8,265,875.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje materiale dekori(Rinovim ne dekorin e qytetit) |
1,666,667 |
Signed the Contract |
"NIKA" shpk |
1,499,960.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Blerje hipoklorit natriumi per kerkesat e Ndermarjes |
3,600,000 |
Signed the Contract |
''2 AT'' |
3,550,000.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Riveshje me Beton rruga "Gjergj Araniti, 40 shenjtoret" |
3,333,333 |
Signed the Contract |
2,754,450.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Ndertim i varrezave publike ne Volloder |
6,666,667 |
Signed the Contract |
5,595,450.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Riveshje rruga "Musa Demi", Shiku & Trotuari rr.Lefter Talo dhe rikualifikim me asfalt i rruges "Janaq Kumi" |
9,333,333 |
Signed the Contract |
Neal - 86 SHPK |
8,760,043.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Rehabilitim i ish vendgrumbullimit te mbetjeve , Volloder |
5,833,333 |
Signed the Contract |
4,296,000.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Rikonstruksion i stacionit te pompave dhe lidhjet e abonenteve ne Ksamil |
45,243,244 |
Signed the Contract |
45,193,477.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
“Lyerje fasadash për lagjen nr.4, Kodër” |
10,833,333 |
Signed the Contract |
10,576,160.00 |
Local Unit Sarandë |
Të tjera materiale për ceremoniale zyrtare | |
Signed the Contract |
EURO-ALB sh.p.k & VIANTE CONSTRUKSION sh.p.k & LLAZO sh.p.k & ERGI sh.p.k |
0.00 |