Qarkun | ||||||||||
Kredia Nr | 8850-AL | |||||||||
Burimi i Kredise/Financuar nga | ||||||||||
Vlera e Kredise sipas Monedhes | ||||||||||
Titulli i Projektit | Programi i Rrugëve Lidhëse Rajonale dhe Lokale. | |||||||||
Pershkrim i Projektit |
Projekti i Konektivitetit të Rrugëve Rajonale dhe Lokale shenjon një hap të rëndësishëm në dobi të qytetarëve. Ai parashikon impakt në rritjen potenciale të aktiviteteve bujqësore dhe turisitike duke përmirësuar aksesin në zonat e përzgjedhura, si dhe forcim të kapaciteteve të bashkive për menaxhimin e aseteve të tyre rrugore.
Objekti i Tenderit | “Rehabilitation of Road “Spille, Guri i lëmuar” to “Hauzi i Vilëbashtovës” and Road “Vath Koreshi, Lushnja ring Road” | |||||||||
Nr. Reference | RLRCP/1/1.16/2023 | |||||||||
Kodi CPV |
Vlera / Fondi Limit | ||||||||||
Lloji i Kontrates Publike | Punë Publike | |||||||||
Lloji i Procedures | Tender Ndërkombëtar | |||||||||
Statusi i Tenderit | Njoftuar Fituesi | |||||||||
Data e Njoftimit te Tenderit | 08-03-2023 | |||||||||
Data e Fillimit te Afatit per Dorezim Oferte | 08-03-2023 | |||||||||
Data e Mbylljes se Afatit per Dorezim Oferte | 28-04-2023 | |||||||||
Sektori | ||||||||||
Nr. i Operatoreve Konkurues | 7 | |||||||||
Operatore Konkurues |
1. Metag Insaat Ticaret A.S. 2. Fusha sh.p.k. & Albavia sh.p.k 3.Gener 2 sh.p.k. 4.Avtomagistrali –Tcherno More JSC – Shumen 5.G.P.G Company sh.p.k. 6.Makimsan Asfalt Taahhut Insaat Tic A.S. 7.Salillari sh.p.k. |
Operator Ekonomik Kontraktues |
Oferta fituese Leke pa TVSH | 4,843,759 | |||||||||
Data e shpalljes se fituesit | 07-06-2023 | |||||||||
Data e lidhjes se kontrates | ||||||||||
Vlera e Kontrates me TVSH | ||||||||||
Kohezgjatja e Kontrates | 9 months after Commencement Date | |||||||||
Ankesa | ||||||||||
Arsyeja e Anulimit | ||||||||||
Shenime |
The Government of Albania has received financing from the World Bank toward the
cost of the Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP), and intends to
apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the following contract. The segment of Rehabilitation of road “spille, Guri i Leumar” To “Hauzi I Vilebashtoves is the entrance gates of Spille Beach, which in terms of layers is in good condition, but intervention is needed in the systemization of sidewalks, cubes, lighting and its expansion according to the planned urban plan, etc. The entrance road is also a connecting part with the coast and is in a very depreciated condition, no investments have been made in them for years, despite the constant concern of residents and local institutions. In this road segment, it is worth emphasizing the lack of horizontal and vertical signage The road Vath Koreshi, Lushnja ring Road shall have a width of 19 m, consisting of 4 asphalted lanes by a width of 3 m each + 2×0.5 m concrete culverts, with sidewalks on both sides with a width of 3m. Almost along the entire length of the road, sidewalks are completely missing from both sides of the road, while the road asphalt is generally in good conditions, with the exception of some partial damage caused over the years by depreciation and the works performed for the underground utilities. The trail of this paved road passes through an urban area with a flat relief located on the South-East side of the city and covers a length of about 2260m. Oferta fituese eshte e shprehur ne USD. |
Transaksione Thesari |
Monitoro Transaksione Thesari (Pagesa) per G.P.G. COMPANY viti 2012-2013 Monitoro Transaksione Thesari (Pagesa) per G.P.G. COMPANY viti 2014 Monitoro Transaksione Thesari (Pagesa) per G.P.G. COMPANY viti 2015-2018 Monitoro Transaksione Thesari (Pagesa) per G.P.G. COMPANY viti 2019-2020 |
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