Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Rezultate permbledhese

Nr. i tenderave te shpallur Fondi limit per tenderat e shpallur (ne Leke, pa TVSH Nr. i tenderave te shpallur me fitues Fondi limit per tenderat e shpallur me fitues (ne Leke, pa TVSH Vlera totale e shpallur fituese (ne Leke, pa TVSH
24 - 12 - 1,479,077,952
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Lista e tenderave

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Objekti i Tenderit Vlera / Fondi Limit Statusi i Tenderit Vlera fituese
Construction of By Pass No.1 Vlore – Orikum Road Shpallur Procedura
Construction of the road Pogradec – Tushemisht – Dogane, Lot 2 Njoftuar Fituesi
“Rehabilitation of Road “Spille, Guri i lëmuar” to “Hauzi i Vilëbashtovës” and Road “Vath Koreshi, Lushnja ring Road” Njoftuar Fituesi 4,843,759
Development of a Regional and Local Road Network Database, Assessment and Prioritization of Investments Shpallur Procedura
Road safety improvements works Shpallur Procedura
Building New Rural Economies through the promotion of agro-tourism on the Areas of 100 Villages of Albania by linking agricultural producers to local demand through local markets promotional activities Shpallur Procedura
Design of Construction of Road Prekal – Qafa e Shoshit – Lotaj and Lekbibaj – Qafa e Agrit – Nderlysaj Njoftuar Fituesi 207,400 US$
“Supervision of the road Pogradec -Tushemisht – Dogane, Lot 2 and other roads”. Shpallur Procedura
Ndërtimi i Segmentit Shëngjin-Velipojë Shpallur Procedura
Rehabilitation of secondary road in touristic area Plepa – Golem Njoftuar Fituesi 3,772,786 USD
Construction of bridge no. 2, km 7+500, Fier – Seman Road Njoftuar Fituesi 1,694,315.33 US$
Construction of bridge no. 5, Hoxhare, Fier – Seman Road Shpallur Procedura
Reconstruction of the road Roskovec Poshnje Njoftuar Fituesi 461,899,170
Supervision services for roads reconstruction (approx. 45 km) Njoftuar Fituesi 680,020 US$
Supervision of rehabilitation of three national roads section: Vlore – Orikum Road (10.6km), Shëngjin – Baks-Rrjoll Road (13km) and Zgosht-Ura e Cerenecit Road (47.1km) Shpallur Procedura
Rehabilitation of Vlore – Orikum Road (10.6km) Shpallur Procedura
Rehabilitation of Shëngjin – Baks-Rrjoll Road (13 km) Shpallur Procedura
Reconstruction of the road Gusmar – Kuc .
Rikonstruksion i rrugës "Gusmar – Kuc".
Njoftuar Fituesi 4,817,034 USD
Consultancy services for identification and supervision of potential road safety interventions and road safety inspections.
Shërbime konsulence për identifikimin dhe mbikëqyrjen ndërhyrjeve postenciale per sigurinë rrugore dhe inspektimet e sigurisë rrugore.
Njoftuar Fituesi 156,400 USD
Reconstruction of the road Lekdush-Bence-Tepelene, Lot 2.
Rikonstruksioni i rrugës Lekdush-Bence-Tepelenë, Lot 2
Shpallur Procedura
Reconstruction of the road Fier – Seman , Lot 1.
Rikonstruksion i rrugës "Fier - Seman", Loti 1 .
Shpallur Procedura
Reconstruction of the road Qafe Thore – Theth , Shkoder.
Rindërtimi i rrugës" Qafe Thore - Theth ", Shkoder.
Njoftuar Fituesi 613,585,590
Supervision services for the road Pogradec-Tushemisht".
Shërbime të mbikëqyrjes për rrugën "Pogradec-Tushemisht".
Njoftuar Fituesi 21,360,000
Reconstruction of the road Pogradec – Tushemisht".
Rikonstruksioni i rrugës "Pogradec - Tushemisht".
Njoftuar Fituesi 377,388,382
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