Open Procurement Albania

Enhancing the tourism offer of Natural sites in Shkodra region, by improving the landscape and connectivity infrastructure, The entrance of Shkodra Lake. PHASE 2- Wetland Park

Qarkun Shkoder
Kredia Nr
Burimi i Kredise/Financuar nga
Vlera e Kredise sipas Monedhes
Titulli i Projektit Programi për zhvillimin e infrastrukturës dhe turizmit në Shqipëri
Pershkrim i Projektit Projekti për Infrastrukturën dhe Turizmin në Shqipëri financohet nga Bashkimi Evropian nëpërmjet asistencës teknike dhe granteve të investimeve në një shumë totale prej 40 milionë euro, si dhe nga kredia sovrane plotësuese e dhënë nga BERZH për Qeverinë e Shqipërisë.
Projekti zbatohet nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit si agjenci zbatuese (“Klienti”) dhe Banka Europiane për Rindërtim dhe Zhvillim (“Banka”).
Grantet e BE-së janë identifikuar nga BE-ja në bashkëpunim të ngushtë me Fondin Shqiptar të Zhvillimit.
Objekti i Tenderit Enhancing the tourism offer of Natural sites in Shkodra region, by improving the landscape and connectivity infrastructure, The entrance of Shkodra Lake. PHASE 2- Wetland Park
Nr. Reference
Kodi CPV
Vlera / Fondi Limit
Lloji i Kontrates Publike Punë Publike
Lloji i Procedures Tender Ndërkombëtar
Statusi i Tenderit Shpallur Procedura
Data e Njoftimit te Tenderit 27-06-2024
Data e Fillimit te Afatit per Dorezim Oferte 08-08-2024
Data e Mbylljes se Afatit per Dorezim Oferte 08-08-2024
Nr. i Operatoreve Konkurues
Operatore Konkurues
Operator Ekonomik Kontraktues
Oferta fituese Leke pa TVSH
Data e shpalljes se fituesit
Data e lidhjes se kontrates
Vlera e Kontrates me TVSH
Kohezgjatja e Kontrates
Arsyeja e Anulimit
Shenime The Site is located inside Shkodra Municipality
Geographically this area extends from the Buna bridge in the south, continues along the national road of Shkodra in the direction of the city to the bypass roundabout in the east and follows the bypass to the point of union with the old bypass in the north. To the west it is bordered by the waters of the Buna River and Lake Shkodra.
The Project area is very sparsely populated. Natural soil occupies the largest percentage. Its functionality is divided into two parts:
– South part, in which there is a casual park, some businesses and a promenade.
– North part, otherwise known as the part between two bypasses, low natural soil.
Wetland Park is a special area located at the north of the site. This strategic area protects the wetland of Shkodra lake allowing its flooding in rainy seasons. At the same time, Wetland Park provides recreational functions for the citizens compatible with the flooding of the area such as walking and resting areas with views over the wetlands and sports facilities. Wetland Park has enormous strategic importance for Shkodra because it is a pioneer climate adapted project in Albania that regulates the flooding. This green buffer can also become a model for the sustainable development of the city in contact with Shkodra lake.
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