Open Procurement Albania
Me ligjin Nr.162/2020 “Për Prokurimin Publik” janë shtuar procedurat: Procedurë konkurruese me negocim; Partneritet për inovacion; Dialogu konkurrues; Procedurë e hapur e thjeshtuar (neni 41 i ligjit 162/2020)
*Efektet fillojnë 31/03/2021.

Graphical display of results by searched conditions

Summary results by searched conditions

Tenderer institution no. Economic operator no. No. of announced tenders Total limit fund of tenders (in ALL, without VAT) No. of tenders declared with winner (in ALL, without VAT) Total limit fund of tenders declared by winner (in ALL, without VAT) Awarded total value (in ALL, without VAT)
57 36 815 4,880,944,260 667 4,168,384,141 3,748,992,228

Tenders list

Procurement Authority Tenderer/Contracting Institution Tender object Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT ALL Stage Procedure Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider Awarded value
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 3 - Kite reagente per Koagulometrin ACL 9000(IL)/ ose ekuivalent. 2,921,200 Announced Procurement
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 4 - Kite hematologjike per ABX-Micros 60/ ose ekuivalent. 5,694,600 Announced Procurement
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 5 - Kite reagente dhe material konsumiper Architect 2000 (ABBOTT) / ose ekuivalent. 4,436,000 Announced Procurement
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 6 - Kite reagente per IMMULITE 1000 / ose ekuivalent . 17,161,000 Announced Procurement
"Mbreteresha Geraldine" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana "Mbreteresha Geraldine" University Obstetric-Gynecologic Hospital of Tirana Lot 2 Blerje Kite Reagent dhe materiale konsumi laboratorike per kryerjen e analizave klinike biokimike, Imunologjinike per Laboratorin Klinik Biokimik. 7,430,759 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital of Vlora Regional Hospital of Vlora Blerje kite reagente per laboratoret spitalore 19,676,460 Re-Proclaimed and Signed the Contract Genius SHPK 19,652,370.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan Loti 1 Kite dhe reagente per laboratorin 24,449,760 Signed the Contract Genius SHPK 24,432,560.00
Regional Hospital Directorate of Dibër Regional Hospital Directorate of Dibër Loti 1: Kite Per Laboratorin 1,244,600 Signed the Contract Genius SHPK 1,216,540.00
Hospital Service Directorate of Kavaja Hospital Service Directorate of Kavaja Blerje Kite Reagente dhe Materiale Konsumi Laburatorike per nevojat e vitit 2019. 2,316,746 Signed the Contract Genius SHPK 2,316,026.00
Psychiatric Hospital of Vlora Psychiatric Hospital of Vlora Blerje Kite dhe Reagent Loti 2 Hemokromi 309,720 Cancelled Procurement
Regional Hospital Directorate of Berat Regional Hospital Directorate of Berat Furnizim Kite Reagent 7,086,989 Signed the Contract EUROMED shpk 7,000,000.00
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Loti 3MALRA KOMSUMI 428,203 Cancelled Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Loti 2 CHROMA-READERME 349,200 Cancelled Procurement
Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Directorate of "Ihsan Cabej" Hospital in Lushnja Loti I AUTOANALIZATOR A-15+SEBIA+MINI(VIDAS+ Mythic-18 1,722,100 Cancelled Procurement
Blerje Kite Reagent per Laboratoret e DRSH Fier per vitin 2019 3,362,670 Cancelled Procurement
Public Health Institute of Tirana Public Health Institute of Tirana Blerje e kiteve dhe materialeve të konsumit për Depistimin e HPV-së 26,663,857 Signed the Contract Biometric Albania SHPK 26,427,000.00
Health Centre for Specialties, Paskuqan, Tiranë Health Centre for Specialties, Paskuqan, Tiranë Blerje Kite Hormonal 384,558 Signed the Contract Genius SHPK 384,558.00
National Center for Blood Transfusion National Center for Blood Transfusion Blerje kite reagente per testimin me metoden NAT(përfshirë venien ne përdorim te aparatit sipas specifikimeve te DST 65,552,000 Signed the Contract Pegasus SHPK 52,224,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 4 Kite hematologjike per ABX Micros 60 /OSE EKUIVALENT 660,000 Signed the Contract Biometric Albania SHPK 660,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 3 Kite reagente per Koagulometrin ACL 9000 ( IL) /OSE EKUIVALENT 259,600 Signed the Contract Biometric Albania SHPK 259,600.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 2 Kite reagente per percaktimin e gazeve ne gjak (IL) GEMOREMIER /OSE EKUIVALENT 998,500 Signed the Contract Biometric Albania SHPK 998,500.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 12 Kite për matjen e glicemisë së shpejtë 196,000 Signed the Contract OES Distrimed SHPK 189,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 9. Reagente Kimike, Kite diagnostikuese dhe Materiale Laboratorike. 515,560 Signed the Contract KRIJON SHPK 505,560.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 8 Kite reagente per SEBIA HYRIS / HIDRASIS /OSE EKUIVALENT 182,400 Signed the Contract Biochem Nrp SHPK 181,200.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 7 Kite, reagente per Architect 2000 (ABBOTT) /OSE EKUIVALENT 3,755,000 Signed the Contract Pegasus SHPK 3,728,000.00
"Xhafer Kongoli" Hospital Center of Elbasan "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 1 Kite reagente dhe materiale konsumi per OLYMPUS AU 640 / AU 2700 /OSE EKUIVALENT 4,942,900 Signed the Contract Montal SHPK 4,942,000.00
National Center for Blood Transfusion National Center for Blood Transfusion Blerje kite reagente per testimin me metoden NAT(përfshirë venien ne përdorim te aparatit sipas specifikimeve te DST 65,552,000 Announced the Winner Pegasus SHPK 52,224,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 11 Kite dhe reagent të përshtatshme për autoanalizatorin e gazeve në gjak Cobas b221 (Roche Omni S6) /OSE EKUIVALENT 1,910,000 Signed the Contract SWISSMED SHPK 1,910,000.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 6. Kite reagente per IMMULITE 1000, (DPC) /OSE EKUIVALENT 9,777,300 Signed the Contract MEDFAU SHPK 9,767,300.00
"Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center "Nënë Tereza"  University Hospital Center Loti 7 Kite te Shpejta . 1,627,140 Signed the Contract FEDOS SHPK 750,000.00