A Red Flag is a fact, event, or set of circumstances, or other information that may indicate a potential legal compliance concern for illegal or unethical business conduct, particularly with regard to corrupt practices and non-compliance with anti-corruption laws.
Insufficient term according to the legal criteria set out in Article 43 of Law 9643 "On Public Procurement" as amended.
District | Tirane-Lezha-Durres | |||||||||||||||
Loan No | ||||||||||||||||
Source of Loan/Financed by: | Funding Source: State Budget Reconstruction Funds | |||||||||||||||
Loan Amount by Currency | ||||||||||||||||
Project Title | The Reconstruction Programme | |||||||||||||||
Description of the Project |
The Reconstruction Programme is a Program of the Albanian Government, initiated after the November 26th 2019 earthquake. The programme envisions new constructions and reconstruction of urban facilities following an estimation of the damage caused by the earthquake. In co-operation with its partners, the Albanian Government organized a Donors' Conference on 17 February 2020 in Brussels, amounting to 1.15 billion Euros pledged to be contributed in the form of donations, assistance, grants, and soft loans. These funds and others guaranteed through public debt will be used for the Reconstruction Programme. The Reconstruction Programme is designed to be implemented through the Development of New Areas for Mandatory Development; Construction in Urban Infrastructure; Purchase of Available Residential Buildings in Stock; and Grants for Reconstruction and Social Recovery. A significant part of procurements and contracting for the Reconstruction will be made by the Albanian Development Fund and Tirana Municipality procurement authorities. Read the document on Post Disaster Needs Assessment PDNA Albania. Learn about the legal regulations for the Reconstruction Program. |
Tender object |
Reconstruction of individual houses, construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure and any other intervention in function of the reconstruction of these dwellings (Reconstruction Program). Funding Source: State Budget Reconstruction Funds. |
Reference No. | REF-56909-04-27-2020 | |||||||||||||||
CPV Code |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT | 6,186,125,775 | |||||||||||||||
Type of Contract | ||||||||||||||||
Procurement Method | Restricted Procedure, over the high monetary limit | |||||||||||||||
Stage Procedure | Rishpallje me Njoftim Fituesi Minikonkursi | |||||||||||||||
Tender Announcement Date | 28-04-2020 | |||||||||||||||
Opening Date for Submission of Bids | 28-04-2020 | |||||||||||||||
Closing Date for Submission of Bids | 08-05-2020 | |||||||||||||||
Sector | ||||||||||||||||
No. of Bidders | 14 | |||||||||||||||
Bidders |
• Faza 1: Përzgjedhja e Operatorëve Ekonomikë : 1. Operatori Ekonomik “2 T” sh.p.k. 2. Operatori Ekonomik “Agi Kons” sh.p.k 3. Bashkimi i Operatorëve Ekonomikë “Boshnjaku. B” sh.p.k. & “Llazo” sh.p.k. 4. Operatori Ekonomik “Gjikuria” sh.p.k 5. Bashkimi i Operatorëve Ekonomikë “G.P.G. Company” sh.p. & “Shendelli” sh.p.k. 6. Bashkimi i Operatorëve Ekonomikë “KAPLAN CAM ALUMINYUM OTOI / IOTIV SANAYI TICARET” & “PREFABRIK YAPI INS.SAN.VE.Ti.AS” & BESGEN MUHENDISLIK INS. TAAH. SN. VE TIC.LTD.STI.” 7. Bashkimi i Operatorëve Ekonomik “Kevin Construksion” shpk &“Company Riviera” 2008 & & “Mela”shpk & “Pepa Group”shpk 8. Bashkimi i Operatorëve Ekonomikë “Senka” sh.p.k. & “Dajti Park 2007” sh.p.k. & & “Erzeni/SH ” shpk . 9. Bashkimi i Operatorëve Ekonomikë “Shijaku” shpk & “CO1 Rroku Konstruksion Tiranë” , & “Alfons Shtjefni” person fizik . 10. Bashkimi i Operatorëve Ekonomikë “The Best Construction” shpk & “Vëllezërit Hysa” & “Arifaj”shpk J76418907K & “Denis05”shpk” 11. Operatorit Ekonomik “Alb-Building” sh.p.k 12. Bashkimi i Operatorëve Ekonomikë “ALKO-IMPEX General Construcion”sh.p.k & “Sireta 2F” sh.p.k. & “IBN” sh.p.k. 13. Bashkimi i Operatorëve Ekonomikë “Aurora Konstruksion” sh.p.k. & “Eren Insaat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi” sh.p.k. & “Rafaelo 2002” sh.p.k. 14. Operatori Ekonomik “GENER 2” sh.p.k Në fazën e II konkurohet me ofertë për kontrata (mini konkurse) dhe në bazë të ofertës të paraqitur për autoritetin zgjidhen Kontraktorët e sukseshëm dhe lidhen Kontratat në Bazë të Marveshjes Kuadër. |
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
The winning bid ALL without vat | ||||||||||||||||
Bidder Announcement date | ||||||||||||||||
Contract date | ||||||||||||||||
Contract Value including VAT | ||||||||||||||||
Contract Milestones Due Dates | Kohëzgjatja e kontratës/kontratave në kuadër të kësaj marrëveshje kuadër do të jetë deri në 6 (gjashtë) muaj nga momenti i lidhjes ose me afat me të shkurtër në varësi të veçantisë së objektit. | |||||||||||||||
Appeals | ||||||||||||||||
Cancellation reason | ||||||||||||||||
Notes |
Rindertim_Banesa_Individuale_PR Me Njoftim Zyrtar perkatesisht Buletini i Posaçëm Nr. 68 datë 9 Shtator 2020 , Nr. 76 datë 25 Shtator 2020, Nr. 84 datë 9 Tetor 2020 , Nr. 87 datë 15 Tetor 2020, dhe Buletini i Posaçëm Nr. 7 datë 15 Janar 2021 Autoriteti Kontraktor ka njoftuar fituesit per minikontratat e kësaj Marrëveshje Kuadër (Minikonkurse) si me poshte:- Minikonkursi Nr. 1 : Rindërtimin e 677 banesave individuale, ndërtimi dhe rikonstruksioni i infrastrukturës publike dhe çdo ndërhyrje tjetër në funksion të tyre”, nga të cilat 168 banesa sipas modelit 1+1, 245 banesa sipas modelit 1+2 dhe 264 banesa sipas modelit 1+3 Fondi limit i minikonkursit është 1,818,756,526 lekë pa tvsh. Fitues: Bashkimin e Operatorëve “Kevin Construksion” shpk &“Company Riviera” 2008 & “Mela”shpk & “Pepa Group”shpk Oferta fituese: 1,772,870,000 leke pa Tvsh. (Buletini i Posaçëm Nr. 68 datë 9 Shtator 2020 ) ________________________________________________ - Minikonkursi Nr. 2 : Rindërtimin e 743 banesave individuale, ndërtimin dhe rikonstruksionin e infrastrukturës publike dhe çdo ndërhyrje tjetër në funksion të tyre”, nga të cilat 127 banesa sipas modelit 1+1, 277 banesa sipas modelit 1+2 dhe 339 banesa sipas modelit 1+3. Fondi limit i minikonkursit është 2,047,592,928 lekë pa tvsh. Fitues: Bashkimin e Operatorëve “Kevin Construksion” shpk &“Company Riviera” 2008 & “Mela”shpk & “Pepa Group”shpk Oferta fituese: 2,004,560,000 leke pa Tvsh. (Buletini i Posaçëm Nr. 76 datë 25 Shtator 2020). ________________________________________________ - Minikonkursi Nr. 3 : Rindërtimin e 238 banesave individuale, ndërtimin dhe rikonstruksionin e infrastrukturës publike dhe çdo ndërhyrje tjetër në funksion të tyre”, nga të cilat 61 banesa sipas modelit 1+1, 98 banesa sipas modelit 1+2 dhe 79 banesa sipas modelit 1+3“ nga të cilat 191 ne Bashkine Kurbin te shperndara ne njesite administrative Fushë Kuqe, Laç, Mamurras dhe Milot dhe 47 banesa ne Bashkine Mirditë te shperndara ne njesite administrative Fan, Kthellë, rrëshen, Rubik, Selitë Fondi limit i minikonkursit është 629,432,330 lekë pa tvsh. Fitues: Bashkimin e Operatorëve “The Best Construktion” & “Vëllezërit Hysa” & “Arifaj”shpk & “Denis- 05”shpk” Oferta fituese: 629,305,000 leke pa Tvsh. (Buletini i Posaçëm Nr. 84 datë 9 Tetor 2020 ). ________________________________________________ - Minikonkursi Nr. 4 : Rindërtimin e 248 banesave individuale, ndërtimin dhe rikonstruksionin e infrastrukturës publike dhe çdo ndërhyrje tjetër në funksion të tyre”, nga të cilat 63 banesa sipas modelit 1+1, 105 banesa sipas modelit 1+2 dhe 80 banesa sipas modelit 1+3, në Bashkinë Durrës të shpërndara në njësitë administrative Sukth, Katund i ri, Rrashbull, Rajoni 1, Rajoni 2, Rajoni 3, Rajoni 4, Rajoni 5, Rajoni 6. Fondi limit i minikonkursit është 654,489,578 lekë pa tvsh. Fitues: Bashkimin e Operatorëve G.P.G. Company sh.p.k. & Shendelli sh.p.k. Oferta fituese: 624,300,000 leke pa Tvsh. (Buletini i Posaçëm Nr. 87 datë 15 Tetor 2020 ). ________________________________________________ - Minikonkursi Nr. 5 : Rindërtimin e 162 banesave individuale, ndërtimin dhe rikonstruksionin e infrastrukturës publike dhe çdo ndërhyrje tjetër në funksion të tyre”, nga të cilat 46 banesa sipas modelit 1+1, 58 banesa sipas modelit 1+2 dhe 58 banesa sipas modelit 1+3, në Bashkine Kamëz te shperndara ne njesite administrative Kamëz dhe Paskuqan. Fondi limit i minikonkursit është 429,873,114 lekë pa tvsh. Fitues: Gjikuria sh.p.k. Oferta fituese: 429,140,000 leke pa Tvsh. (Buletini i Posaçëm Nr. 7 datë 15 janar 2021 ). ________________________________________________ - Minikonkursi Nr. 6 : Rindërtimi i 148 banesave individuale, ndërtimi dhe rikonstruksioni i infrastrukturës publike dhe çdo ndërhyrje tjetër në funksion të tyre”, nga të cilat 30 banesa sipas modelit 1+1, 65 banesa sipas modelit 1+2 dhe 53 banesa sipas modelit 1+3 Fondi limit i minikonkursit është 396,549,832 lekë pa tvsh. Fitues: Gjikuria sh.p.k. Oferta fituese: 395,910,000 leke pa Tvsh. (Buletini i Posaçëm Nr. 7 datë 15 janar 2021 ). ________________________________________________ AIS ka monitoruar procedurat dhe ka njoftuar publikisht mbi konstatimet mbi shkeljet ligjore. • Tender Programi i Rindërtimit, Pjesa e Mbështetur nga Buxheti i Shtetit ( Publikuar ne 18/03/2020) . |
Transaction / Actual Spending | ||||||||||||||||
Relevant published Bulletin |
Contracts signed under the Framework AgreementREF-56909-04-27-2020
A Red Flag is a fact, event, or set of circumstances, or other information that may indicate a potential legal compliance concern for illegal or unethical business conduct, particularly with regard to corrupt practices and non-compliance with anti-corruption laws.
Insufficient term according to the legal criteria set out in Article 43 of Law 9643 "On Public Procurement" as amended.
District | Tirane-Lezha-Durres | ||
Loan No | |||
Source of Loan/Financed by: | Funding Source: State Budget Reconstruction Funds | ||
Loan Amount by Currency | |||
Project Title | The Reconstruction Programme | ||
Description of the Project |
The Reconstruction Programme is a Program of the Albanian Government, initiated after the November 26th 2019 earthquake. The programme envisions new constructions and reconstruction of urban facilities following an estimation of the damage caused by the earthquake. In co-operation with its partners, the Albanian Government organized a Donors' Conference on 17 February 2020 in Brussels, amounting to 1.15 billion Euros pledged to be contributed in the form of donations, assistance, grants, and soft loans. These funds and others guaranteed through public debt will be used for the Reconstruction Programme. The Reconstruction Programme is designed to be implemented through the Development of New Areas for Mandatory Development; Construction in Urban Infrastructure; Purchase of Available Residential Buildings in Stock; and Grants for Reconstruction and Social Recovery. A significant part of procurements and contracting for the Reconstruction will be made by the Albanian Development Fund and Tirana Municipality procurement authorities. Read the document on Post Disaster Needs Assessment PDNA Albania. Learn about the legal regulations for the Reconstruction Program. |
Tender object |
Reconstruction of individual houses in areas affected by the earthquake (Reconstruction Program). Funding Source: State Budget Reconstruction Funds. /Limit Fund: - 5,225,192,287.5 (five billion four hundred and forty-four million and fourhundred seventy thousand and two hundredfive billion two hundred twenty-five millionone hundred ninety-two thousand two hundred eighty-seven and five) ALL excluding VAT. - 6,270,230,745 (six billion two hundred seventy million two hundred thirty thousandseven hundred forty-five) ALL including VAT. The object of the framework agreement includes reconstruction of individual houses according to model projects (1+1, 1+2, 1+3) in the territory of the municipalities: • Durrës, • Kamza, • Kavaja, • Rrogozhina, • Krujë, • Kurbin, • Lezhë, • Mirditë, • Shijak • Vora. The reconstruction of individual houses will have distribution in the territory of the above mentioned municipalities. Their reconstruction can be done in groups or separately (in existing houses) according to the designation of the construction sites specified in the Compulsory Local Plans. |
Reference No. | REF-53475-03-09-2020 | ||
CPV Code |
Estimated / Ceiling Value ALL without VAT | 5,225,192,288 | ||
Type of Contract | |||
Procurement Method | Restricted Procedure, over the high monetary limit | ||
Stage Procedure | Cancelled Procurement | ||
Tender Announcement Date | 10-03-2020 | ||
Opening Date for Submission of Bids | 10-03-2020 | ||
Closing Date for Submission of Bids | 19-03-2020 | ||
Sector | |||
No. of Bidders | |||
Bidders | |||
Successful Bidder /Supplier / Provider |
The winning bid ALL without vat | |||
Bidder Announcement date | |||
Contract date | |||
Contract Value including VAT | |||
Contract Milestones Due Dates | 24 muaj | ||
Appeals | |||
Cancellation reason | None of the bids submitted meets with the qualifying criteria, conforming to all the terms, conditions and specifications of the Bidding Documents. | ||
Notes |
On 10-03-2020, the tender with the Object "Reconstruction of individual houses in areas affected by the earthquake (Reconstruction Program)"was announced in the electronic system of PPA. The initial deadline for submitting the request for expression of interest was 19-03-2020 only 9 dates. AIS note : The 20-days timeframe for submission of requests by interested competitors is not respected. - Law No. 9643, Article 43. (Click here.) Referring to Appendix Dt. 1 (Documents below), the Contracting Authority (ADF) decides to make modifications to the standard tender documents and postpones the deadline for submitting the request for expression of interest: It was: Time limit for submitting the request for expression of interest: 19.03.2020. Now is : Time limit for submission of request for expression of interest: 27.03.2020. According to the announcement in Bulletin no. 19 dated 14 April 2020, the procedure was canceled because: "None of the bids submitted complies with the criteria set out in the tender documents." AIS has been monitoring the procedures and has announced publicly its Findings on legal violations. • Newsletter 20 March 2020 • Tender for the Reconstruction Program for the State-Supported Share (Published on March 18, 2020 ) . |
Transaction / Actual Spending | |||
Relevant published Bulletin | Contracts signed under the Framework AgreementREF-53475-03-09-2020 |